
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I want to know what everyone's favorites of everything are!
You can tell me your favorites of anything, but I definitely want to know your favorite rhett and link song/video, color, animal and sports car!
I dont have a favorite rhett and link song/video, my favorite color is purple,  my favorite animals are foxes and rabbits,and my favorite sports cars are porsches and  the saleen s7 twin turbo (its fast and pretty!!)!! My favorite instrument is a violin, season-fall,  drink-virgin piña colada...

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Favourite colour - Green

Favourite candy - Reese's Peanut Butter Cup

Favourite drink - Rootbeer float

Favourite animal - Bears

Favourite band - Awake! Awake!

Favourite music genre - Soundtracks/Instrumental

Favourite instrument - Violin

Favourite R&L song - Nilla Wafer Top Hat Time! :D

Favourite book - The Lord of the Rings trilogy

Favourite fandom - Tolkien :)

Favourite movie - The Fall, starring Lee Pace

Favourite television show - Doctor Who, of course!

Favourite actor - Richard Armitage

Favourite Superhero - Batman

Favourite people ever - Rhett and Link, Olan Rogers, and Richard Armitage. :)


I forgot how hard it is to make one of these with BLACK as a favorite color. 

Last one was the first one that I made for Scott (TFD)




favourite Rhett and Link song - I'm a thoughtful guy

Rhett and Link video- caption fails

colour- purple

sport- tennis

movie- Hot Fuzz

TV show- Dr Who, Sherlock, Fr Ted

Genre- comedy

Drink- Tea

Food- Bananas

Chocolate Bar- mint areo

Book- the Noughts and Cross series

thing to do- listen to music

My favourite colours are dark blue and grey.

My favourite Rhett&Link songs are the BBQ song, Have You Ever, Yo Momma and Yo Daddy songs, the Squirrel Rights song, Christmas Sweatz, My Hair Song, I am a thoughtful guy, the EPIC rap battle of manliness and most of all, RUB SOME BACON ON IT.

My favourite animals are the sidewinder and the basilisk lizard (aka, Jesus lizard).

I'm not really a fan of cars, but for some reason the Lexus LFA speaks to me.

My favourite band is Alice In Chains.

My favourite guitarist is Buckethead.

My favourite drummer is Mike Portnoy.

My favourite movies always seem to be superhero movies... which is strange because I've never been into superheroes that much. Nevertheless, they include The Avengers, Thor, The Dark Knight and Iron Man 1 and 3.

Colors: Army Green and Blue

TV shows: Doctor Who, Sherlock, Avatar the Last Airbender

Movies: Star Trek(2009), Star Trek into Darkness, X-men, How to Train Your Dragon, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Saints and Soldiers 1 and 2, Inception,  The Princess Bride, Soul Surfer, The Amazing Spider-Man

Books: Gregor the Overlander (whole series), Avalon Web of Magic (whole series), Maze Runner, Fablehaven, Wolf Brother, How to Train Your Dragon Book series, Peter and the Starcatchers, etc. . .

Music: Two Steps From Hell, Owl City, Future World Music, Hans Zimmer, and John Powell, Murray Gold

Animals: Wolves and Fireflies

Instrument: Bassoon

Fruit: Pineapple

Dessert: Ice Cream

Games: Banana Split, Things, Spoons, Picture Telephone (Pict-o-graph), The Great Dalmuti, Scatergories,  Ninja Destruction and Imagine if, Apples to Apples, Fancy Pants Man

Other: Art/painting/drawing, Stop Motions, writing, acting


WOW! that's a lot . . . I'll be back in a week or two.


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