
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I want to know what everyone's favorites of everything are!
You can tell me your favorites of anything, but I definitely want to know your favorite rhett and link song/video, color, animal and sports car!
I dont have a favorite rhett and link song/video, my favorite color is purple,  my favorite animals are foxes and rabbits,and my favorite sports cars are porsches and  the saleen s7 twin turbo (its fast and pretty!!)!! My favorite instrument is a violin, season-fall,  drink-virgin piña colada...

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Doctor Who is the best!

And batman = friken awesome

k...my favorites!

color: Purple

animal: Chimpanzees

music: contemporary christian

musical instrument: Cello

season: fall or winter

book series: the hunger games & the maze runner

television show: "the office"! also, "switched at birth"

2 rhett and link songs: "nilla wafer top hat time" and "fast food folk song"

2 rhett and link videos: "famous last words" and "the story of link's broken pelvis"

Since you didn't name any particular music artist, I located a radio station in your area.

oh my! thanks!

BONUS FAVORITE - - since you mentioned it, here's a copy of The Tragedy that you can read.



Full video of Rhett's dramatic reading is also HERE in the discussion forum

awesome! i just downloaded it :) love that story! haha so entertaining, but at the expense of Link and his pelvis.

ahhh! And did i seriously forget to put my other most favorite book series?? MAXIMUM RIDE!

Well, this is some of my favorite random stuff.
Bands: Lifehouse and Keane
TV Show: Psych
Book: Frankenstien
Poet: E. A. Poe
Rhett and Link Video: Final Last Words

Just six items are pretty sparce to create a banner, so I had to double and triple up on some of your selections . . .

Ooh cool! Yeah, I realized it was too short too late. Thanks for making this!

Favorite Color - Green and Gray

Favorite Movie - Alice In Wonderland the new one

Favorite TV Show - Spongebob

Favorite food - Vanilla cake with vanilla iceing and Tiramasu

Favorite animal - Cerberus and Dragons

Favorite Band - Linkin Park

Favorite Fruit/Scent - Rasberry/ Pumpkin and cinammon rolls

Favorite Hobby - Sleeping and walking but not sleep walking.

Favorite Sport - if i have to pick one Hockey or swiming. Hiking over all if that counts

Favorite R&L video -  i am a thoughtful guy and Last words

Favorite Manga: Cirque Du Freak

Favorite drink: Cokeacola Icee

Religon: Christian

Hope that's enough for ya Gumby!


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