
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I want to know what everyone's favorites of everything are!
You can tell me your favorites of anything, but I definitely want to know your favorite rhett and link song/video, color, animal and sports car!
I dont have a favorite rhett and link song/video, my favorite color is purple,  my favorite animals are foxes and rabbits,and my favorite sports cars are porsches and  the saleen s7 twin turbo (its fast and pretty!!)!! My favorite instrument is a violin, season-fall,  drink-virgin piña colada...

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Rhett and Link song- Rub Some Bacon on it

color- purple!

animal- giraffe

Sports car- I believe all sports cars are created equal

food- shrimp

movie- The Princess Bride

instrument- piano and ukulele

season- summer

month- August

Shakespeare play- Julius Caesar

author- John Green

book- Paper Towns

numbers- 8; 18; 31; 50; 129,262,695; 5,287,104,963 and yes I remember all of those

letters- B, L, Z

board game- Sorry!

empty things- chairs

things to do- climb trees, think, ride water slides

Since you couldn't pick a favorite car, I included one of my all-time favorites . . .

My favorite rhett/link music video is Rub some bacon on it, my favorite color is blue, my favorite animal is pandas, I don't have a favorite sports car,  my favorite instrument is tenor sax. and guitar , my favorite season is summer,  my favorite drink is root beer, and my favorite symbol is the music note, my favorite food is ramen noodles, my favorite movie is God's Not Dead, my favorite book is The Frog Princess, my favorite number is 4, my favorite letter is R, my favorite TV show is iCarly , my favorite thing to do is watch GMM, my favorite game is bop it, my favorite phrase is What the Juice, my favorite word is shnasty, and finally my most favorite thing is being a mythical beast. 

I don't have a favorite Rhett and Link song or video

My favorite color: Royal Purple

My favorite animals: White Tigers

My favorite sports cars: 1970 Plymouth DusterSeason - Early Fall

Drink: Wine or Vodka 

not a whole lot to go on with this one

Animal: pug

Shows: doctor who, glee


Book: The Pocket Guide to Mischief

Letter: R

Number: 2

Scent: Orange cream 

Movie: The Fault in our stars

Song: (changes constantly) Catch my Breath

Color: Seafoam or just super light teal

Others: GMM, Ellen Degeneres, my cat:


Omg this is the coolest thing ever thanks so much Gumbo!!



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