
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!



February 2, 2013 @ 10AM PST

LIVE chat with Rhett and Link here on the Kommunity!!

Premier Trailer by: Donna (PeachGeek)!


  • Here is the link to the entire script:


  • Here is the link to all of R&Ls Gutless Wonder readings:


  • Click HERE for the latest update on this project...
  • Cast of the Movie:

Gutless Wonders: The Movie
A Kommunity Kollaboration...

Script written by: Rhett and Link (age 14)
Directed by: Rachel (Nezulupantro)

Introduction/Scene 1: Alan Davidson
Scene 2: Amir (MegaMoose) and Brandon W. (TheGaurdianOfArlon)
Scene 3:Rachel (Nezulupantro) and Karrie (TheOriginalBookworm)
Scene 4:Solomon Triffit
Scene 5:Meals Xanthe (PirateElephant)
Scene 6:Maggie H. (JoffreyCat)
Scene 7: Ross (Rossmallow)
Scene 8:Ezra Elliot
Scene 9:Ben Wallace/Corfisto
Scene 10:Sir Chantry
Scene 11 (Written by Rizdub): Rachel (Nezulupantro) and Karrie (TheOriginalBookworm)
Scene 12: Maddie (Featherzorse)
Scene 13 (Written by: Anna (Hydropheonixsiren): Abby (TheAbominableUnixombie)
Smitty Scenes:Ratonbat (RatOnTheBat)
Credits Soundtrack: Ezra Elliot

Edited by: Rachel (Nezulupantro) and Ivette (Quadricorn)
Special thanks to: William (Hermonat) and Donna (PeachGeek)
Express your beastliness and join the Kommunity at Rhettandlinkommunity.com! Participate in a K.B.E. today!

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Ok, i'll write the big finish! When should it be finished by? And were shoud i send the script to?

Thanks again! we discussed when to have it finished by...and you can turn it in to my kommunity drop box account i think. i will send you the info on that..

I would love to do Scene 10 with my friend, but I'll have to ask her first. Put me down for that, unless you hear otherwise.

Sure, it's yours! Please let me know once you've talked with your friend and inform me if she agrees and you are for sure going to film it.
Scene is due by December 15th!

I asked her about it, and we are for sure going to do it. We'll film it sometime before the 15th next week. I am so excited for this, you have no idea!!! :)

I am probably as excited as you are!! cant wait to see your scene :)

I will do scene 11

So exciting!  ONE LEFT!

Great! Thanks so much! Don't forget, your scene is due by December 15th!
Scene 14!!! The last one we need a commitment to!! (The scenevwill be finished being written by tomorrow!)Spread the word around the kommunity! Tell your mythical beast friends! Let's finish this project :)
Great job everybody!!!

i could possibly maybe perhaps help?

BOY! now that is what we call 100% pure and unadulterated, rock solid, sincere and absolutely bona fide all-inclusive  commitment (sort of)


Sorry, Rev . . . not going to hold my breath waiting on such wishy-washy stuff. 



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