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Should there be a Rhett and Link Kommunity iPhone/iPod/Whatever app???

The answer is YES!!! Who agrees?? It would make it SO much easier to access the Komm from your phone/iPod/whatever when your computer isnt avalible!!! :D

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there is but it isnt the komm, its just videos and stuff....

there definitely should be

Even though i dont have a Iphone... that would be so cool!!

The fact that I'm reading this from my iPod & wishing I could join chat too is definitely another vote for 'yes!' =^.^=

YES! there should definitely be an app available! :D

Yes, I am also in favor of this.  I come here on my I pad often and wish I could chat.

Who's gonna make it? Any software designers out there?


YES! there is an APP for that too . . .

There is an official Rhett and Link app designed by AppRats, Inc. for both iPhone and iPad 



. . .and another just for the Android phones > > >

. . . and here's one of several forum threads where you can get tips and instructions from a fellow mythical beast > > >  http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/forum/topics/rhettandlinkommunity-app

They should make a app

look up 1/2 inch ^ ^ ^

The app is currently just a repost of the videos, contributing not a whole lot of value to the Kommunity. If someone is developing a app, they should consider making it more about the Kommunity, friendly to new people; so that if they decide to get the app on lets say the Iphone, they could discover what the Kommunity is about and who Rhett and Link are.

I've developed a few apps for small companies and asked them the question, what would you like to give to the ¨user¨ of the app. It would be pretty awesome though. Imagine, an app about the Kommunity to make things easier!


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