
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Post a blog post, or picture here, in which you theorize about picking eating, or face your own picky eating habits!

If you post a video, post it under "Beast Videos" and entitle the video KBE: Picky Eating!

Good luck, be creative, and have fun!

Contest Rules:
Post a blog post, video, or picture, in which you theorize about picking eating, or face your own picky eating habits.

Contest Winners:
1-a. Most creative or memorable picture or video.
1-b. Most thought provoking or interesting idea or theory behind why people are picky eaters (video or blog post).

-Each winner will receive a shout-out from Rhett and Link in an upcoming vlog.
-Also, each winner gets to give Rhett and Link any tasteful and random phrase to say in an upcoming vlog. Good luck Mythical Beasts!

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thaat is the bean sprouts because second link doesnt work

jacob (unimonkey) said:
I have a few theories as to why people are picky eaters. The first one is that while you were still in your mom's belly, she had foods that she liked and did not like. Now, since everybody is different, people have different reactions to the food that their mothers ate. They could either love the food or hate it. My second theory (and this happened to me) is that you don't like certain foods because of your siblings or your friends. For example: when I was little, I loved peanut butter but my brother hated it. When he realized that he actually did like peanut butter, I stopped liking it-- in fact, I hated it. My third theory (which also happened to me) is that if you eat too much of a certain type of food when you were little, you grow to hate it. This happened to me with eggs. For almost an entire year I ate scrambled eggs everyday for lunch. One day I decided that I did not like them anymore and stopped eating them. Another theory is peer pressure. Even just hearing about a food that other people don't like could cause you to not like this food. Things such as anchovies, spinach and other vegetables. Yet another is defiance. When your parents say that a certain type of food is good for you or that you HAVE to eat it, most children automatically resist. Not necessarily because they don't like the food at this point, but because they just want to be a rebel. After the first few times, they get into the mindset that they are not eating this food because they don't LIKE it.

The foods that I personally try to avoid are anything spicy, peppers and pickles. I'm a very picky eater so I'm sure there are more, but those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.

My theory is that kids (and adults!) are programmed by the media to think good foods are bad for you! I had a bad experience with peas when I was a kid but I stood up and become brave enough to start eating them again (I'm a teen now). And I think there are some careless parents who let their kids eat whatever they want too. Some kids just eat away their life (no pun intended) by eating sweets and other bad stuff. Thats my story and my picture above, hope you liked it! :)
here's the link to my video! already! i'll be gone this weekend so i had to make it quick.. enjoy! (crosses fingers)
I once mistakenly ate something i shall never do again nor will i buy it. I thought they were some kind of chicken tenders and i was so horribly wrong...Bull intimates
I think your theory is accurate. I know of someone who is the pickiest/fussiest eater I've ever seen and she is an only child. Now I have your theory as an explanation to why and it makes sense.

Sam Cherry said:
Here are my theorys

1. Picky eating happens hen children have a choice as to what they eat. If you are in a large family you are often forced to eat what is prepared so it accomidates everyones taste at the table. If you are an only child (like me), then you get to dictate what you eat based only on your taste. And sice your family only has to accomidate to you, you usually dont branch out into different foods.

Luis Angel said:
I once mistakenly ate something i shall never do again nor will i buy it. I thought they were some kind of chicken tenders and i was so horribly wrong...Bull intimates
You have some very good picky eater theories. One of them that I can relate to is eating a particular food too often that you begin to dislike it. That happened to me when I'd constantly have ham & cheese sandwiches in my lunch pack for school. After some years passed, I could eat them again, but for awhile the thought of them disgusted me.

Katryna Fast (The Flolf) said:
I have a few theories as to why people are picky eaters. The first one is that while you were still in your mom's belly, she had foods that she liked and did not like. Now, since everybody is different, people have different reactions to the food that their mothers ate. They could either love the food or hate it. My second theory (and this happened to me) is that you don't like certain foods because of your siblings or your friends. For example: when I was little, I loved peanut butter but my brother hated it. When he realized that he actually did like peanut butter, I stopped liking it-- in fact, I hated it. My third theory (which also happened to me) is that if you eat too much of a certain type of food when you were little, you grow to hate it. This happened to me with eggs. For almost an entire year I ate scrambled eggs everyday for lunch. One day I decided that I did not like them anymore and stopped eating them. Another theory is peer pressure. Even just hearing about a food that other people don't like could cause you to not like this food. Things such as anchovies, spinach and other vegetables. Yet another is defiance. When your parents say that a certain type of food is good for you or that you HAVE to eat it, most children automatically resist. Not necessarily because they don't like the food at this point, but because they just want to be a rebel. After the first few times, they get into the mindset that they are not eating this food because they don't LIKE it.

The foods that I personally try to avoid are anything spicy, peppers and pickles. I'm a very picky eater so I'm sure there are more, but those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.
Very interesting & creative theory!

Femke Slangen(Yuxa) said:
ok.... I have thought of a few reasons why people are "picky eaters":

The first one is a short one:

We are all characters in a book and the writer (who lives in a world where nobody is picky) thought it was fun to write a book about a world in wich people are picky eaters... :D

the second one is a bit a story:

once there were these aliens. they loved seeing people eat things they don't like. But they had a problem. It's forbiden on the planet where they live to make people dislike food, but this doesn't count on other planets. So there were some aliens who wanted to be rich. And they found out there was life on the planet where we live. So they decided to make a realety soap and other things with wich they could make money (such as vacations to earth). But to make all those things to come true they had to invent something to make people dislike things, but they had to make sure that some people did like those things that the other people didn't like. And there was this smart alien. The alien wanted to make they world that alien lived on a better place. The aliens who wantes to be rich contacted the alien and said that she (it's a female) would make so many people happy if she could invent that. So she invented a machine. the aliens who wanted to be rich used that machine to make people dislike things.

that were my theorys hope you like them :D (and it would be funny if they were true)
I think that can be right... but that it's not always right... example: I hate green beans.... i'm not only child... so i've eaten them (had to because my whole family eats it ) and a few times i almost throw up and then i didn't have to eat them any more :D

Sam Cherry said:
Here are my theorys

1. Picky eating happens hen children have a choice as to what they eat. If you are in a large family you are often forced to eat what is prepared so it accomidates everyones taste at the table. If you are an only child (like me), then you get to dictate what you eat based only on your taste. And sice your family only has to accomidate to you, you usually dont branch out into different foods.
My views on picky eating, in vlog form:

And that is why I don't make regular youtube videos. xD


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