
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

7/25/15 UPDATE:  Hey beasts!  Thanks so much for all your trivia ideas!  We've gathered plenty to help us meet our quota for the app we're developing.  But I'm gonna leave this discussion open so you can continue to add trivia questions, since it seems like it's a fun exercise.  (And who knows, maybe we'll need more trivia questions down the road.)  Thanks for all your contributions!  - Link

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~original post below~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey Beasts!

We thought this would be a fun K.B.E. Annnd you'll be helping us with an exciting new project in the process.  We’re developing the official Rhett&Link Trivia App--it's gonna be fun and game-ified!  You'll be able to quantify your knowledge of us and our videos...and  your level of mythical beastliness!  

But one of the things we need to do is write the trivia questions....So we thought it’d be fun to open it up for you to help us brainstorm those (as well as the associated multiple choice answers).  

Post trivia questions below along with 4 multiple choice answers!

They can be related to any of our videos or stuff we've shared on GMM or Ear Biscuits.  All questions shouldn't be suuuper difficult, but some can be!  

Also- you might have suggestions to reword questions to make the answers more fun.  For example, here's a question:

"What's the name of Link's youngest child?"A.  Larry  B. Cindy C. Lando or D. Shepherd

but it's a much more fun question if you ask it this way:

Link's youngest child is named after what super awesome movie character? A.  Gandalf Stormcrow B. Lando Calrissian C.  John McLean or D. Katniss Everdeen

See?  You can suggest questions, and also make suggested questions better.  No wrong answers here (well, most answers are wrong but you know what I mean)!  Have fun!

- R&L


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What did Rhett and Link eat with their families while singing "All Night Long"?

A. Hot dogs

B. Burgers

C. Pizza

D. Ice cream

Answer: A


Rhett and Link were how old when they wrote their screenplay Gutless Wonders?

A. 11

B. 14

C. 8

D. 25

Which chili pepper caused Link to hiccup from "The Spicy Pepper Challenge"?

A. Habanero pepper

B. Jalapeno pepper

C. Pasilla pepper

D. Chile De Arbol pepper

Answer - B - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvUoXGeloL0

How many slices of pizza could Rhett devour in one minute?

A) 2

B) 4

C) 8

D) 1

Correct answer: A

Episode #239 is where the answer is found. (Link below)


What is the name of Links and Rhetts second girlfriend

D. Lexis

Link is always shaky and potentially __________.

A.  Thirsty

B.  Sleepy    *

C.  Hungry

D.  Rabid




Which product did Link do research on but did not buy due to the overwhelming amount of info that he received?

A.  Hair Product

B.  Itch Ointment

C.  K-Cups (coffee)   *

D.  Fungus Be Gone




According to Rhett, what is a violation of the Trail Mix Code?

A.  Eating too much of it

B.  Using it to exfoliate

C.  Sucking the salt off of everything and putting it back in the bag

D.  Picking specific pieces out thus screwing up the intended ratio   *




Where was Link during the first ever YouTube Half Time Show?

A.  At home watching the game

B.  At The Faculty Bar demonstrating how to psyche up football fans   *

C.  At a chicken wing eating contest at Uncle Bill's farm

D.  Sun bathing at Daytona Beach





What did Rhett and Link do for the #600 episode?

A. Get hit by 600 water balloons

B. Write Good Mythical Mornig 600 times

C. Eat 600 Cheese Balls **

D. Dropped 600 bouncy balls in slo-mo


What company sponsored Rhett and Link's series I Love Local Commercials?

a) Alka-Seltzer

b) Microsoft

c) Microbilt *

d) The Red House

Link had a massive wipeout fall on concrete while filming what?

a) White Boys Visit Compton

b) The High-Heeled Lumberjack Challenge

c) True Story of Link's Broken Pelvis

d) Commercial Kings *

What's the name of Rhett and Link's 2010 full album of songs?

a) Up to This Point *

b) Websongs, Vol. 1

c) I'm Sorry, What Was That? (Live in the Living Room)

d) Song Biscuits, Vol. 1

The first episode of Commercial Kings featured which of these businesses?

a) Presidential Car Wash

b) Holiday Hotel for Cats *

c) Ojai Valley Taxidermy

d) Donut Prince

Both Rhett and Link get what they call "lil' fellers"...what are they?

a) Pimples

b) Headaches

c) Tonsil stones *

d) Bug bites

Rhett and Link played these hack PIs in this series on their main channel:

a) Larnold and Rusty

b) Seaborne and Roach *

c) Superhero and Sidekick

d) Russell and Gus

Who was the guest in the "The 10 Second Rule Song" of the series of "Song Biscuits"?

A. Freddie Wong

B. Lee Newton

C. Nice Peter

D. Anna Akana

In "Sucking Up Jacuzzi Air" which of one of these happened?
A. Rhett and Link did the show in a Jacuzzi
B. Rhett knocked over the mug
C. Link knocked over the mug
D. Jen told a story about having a Jacuzzi
What was the first wheel of mythcaltiy loaded on a Rhett impersonate link Blink ipersonate Rhett C gmm win face d slow mo running


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