
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

7/25/15 UPDATE:  Hey beasts!  Thanks so much for all your trivia ideas!  We've gathered plenty to help us meet our quota for the app we're developing.  But I'm gonna leave this discussion open so you can continue to add trivia questions, since it seems like it's a fun exercise.  (And who knows, maybe we'll need more trivia questions down the road.)  Thanks for all your contributions!  - Link

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~original post below~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey Beasts!

We thought this would be a fun K.B.E. Annnd you'll be helping us with an exciting new project in the process.  We’re developing the official Rhett&Link Trivia App--it's gonna be fun and game-ified!  You'll be able to quantify your knowledge of us and our videos...and  your level of mythical beastliness!  

But one of the things we need to do is write the trivia questions....So we thought it’d be fun to open it up for you to help us brainstorm those (as well as the associated multiple choice answers).  

Post trivia questions below along with 4 multiple choice answers!

They can be related to any of our videos or stuff we've shared on GMM or Ear Biscuits.  All questions shouldn't be suuuper difficult, but some can be!  

Also- you might have suggestions to reword questions to make the answers more fun.  For example, here's a question:

"What's the name of Link's youngest child?"A.  Larry  B. Cindy C. Lando or D. Shepherd

but it's a much more fun question if you ask it this way:

Link's youngest child is named after what super awesome movie character? A.  Gandalf Stormcrow B. Lando Calrissian C.  John McLean or D. Katniss Everdeen

See?  You can suggest questions, and also make suggested questions better.  No wrong answers here (well, most answers are wrong but you know what I mean)!  Have fun!

- R&L


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Who helped Link make Rhett's pizza cake?

A. Lincoln

B. Christy

C. Lily

D. Lando

(Answer is C https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbySo5U5vW0 )

Q: Which crew member has a pet chinchilla?

A: Chase
B: Stevie
C: Jen
D: Morgan
The answer is: D!
Q: What are the names of Rhett and Link's wives?

A: Laura and Ashley
B: Leslie and Courtney
C: Jessie and Christy
D: Stevie and Jen

The answer is... C!

Q: What TV show characters are Rhett's kids coincidentally named after?

A: Once Upon a Time
B: Full House
C: Hannah Montana
D: Lost

The answer is... D!
Chase is the one with the chinchilla so the answer to the first one should be A

What is the name of Link's wife?

A. Breado

B. Christy

C. Crystal

D. Jessie

The answer is B. 

What does Rhett think is partly the cause of his back problems?

A: Falling off of swinging vines
B: Doing a cannonball in the pool
C: It's just genetic
D: He doesn't know

The answer is... A! Source: Ear Biscuit with Markiplier
What were Rhett & Link doing on there only tape found from when they were kids?
A. Singing
B. Having an interview
C. Making jokes
D. Trying out different accents

(Answer: B season 1 episode 60)

What is Rhett's favorite board game?

A. Connect4

B. Hungry Hungry Hippos

C. Risk

D. Risky Settlers Knights and Allies of the Lords of Dominion of Earth: Pandemic Edition

Also: Which one is Link's?

What gets cut off when you lose Risky Settlers Knights and Allies of the Lords of Dominions of Earth: Pandemic Edition? 

A. Your left eyeball

B. Your left foot

C. Your left pinky finger

D. Your left butt cheek

Also: If you roll an eight at a certain point in the game, the number 8 gets tattooed on what?

When Link was on his way to the doctor to get his tonsils removed because of his tonsil stones, they mysteriously went away. What did he do?
A. Rescheduled his appointment
B. Got them removed anyway
C. Had his wife call the doctor and say he was sick
D. Put small parts of white bread on his tonsils
Answer: D Source: Our Nasty Secret
You could probably come up with better wording, but here :)
Link started wearing glasses when?
(Answer D: from what you're glasses say about you)
In season 4 of GMM Rhett & Link talk about finally meeting their childhood hero, what was his name?
a. Hawk Man
b. Lionel Richie
c. Mr. T
d. Merl Haggard

Answer is D


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