
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

**UPDATE** You all really came through by commenting with some really great questions.  Thanks so much for being your mythical best.  

**UPDATE** Let's extend the deadline to this Friday night.  THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR BEASTLY CONTRIBUTIONS!  HAVE FUN!! **

Hey Mythical Beasts!

We'd like your help in creating questions for a brand new trivia pack for our Trivy App.  Back in July, you all answered our call and developed some fantastic questions for our first Trivy pack, which dedicated to general knowledge related to us and the content we've created.  Will you help us again?  I smell another fun Kommunity Building Exercise :)

Our idea for this brand new Trivy Pack is to make it all about GMM episode trivia—so, interesting information/facts presented in GMM.  The pack will be a fun "test your knowledge" to see how well Mythical Beasts were paying attention to the information we presented. We’re thinking we’ll probably focus on Season 7 and 8; and we’ll need at least 250 questions…

Sidenote:  We are also working up an digital prize that is unlocked when players complete the Trivy pack.  So that should be fun!  Shhhh it's a secret.

So, in the comments on this thread, please write your suggested trivia questions (sourced from GMM Seasons 7 and 8).  Focus on memorable/interesting tidbits.  If possible, include not only the correct answer, but also 3 other false answers for the multiple choices. *Note* Each multiple choice answer should be short so that it fits within the app!

DEADLINE:  Unfortunately, we're under a tight deadline...please submit your ideas by next Wednesday night, FEB 10th. 

The Kmods will be helping us gather and format your questions so that we can load the ones we select into the app.  

Thanks so much- you are truly being your mythical best!  

Most of all - have fun with it! - R&L

Here’s a few examples of the flavor of questions we’re looking for:

1- Who committed around 1000 burglaries while living 27 years in isolation in Maine?

The North Pond Hermit + 3 false answers

2-Countess Amanda Fielding drilled a hole in her own skull, which is a process known as what?

Trepanning + 3 false answers

3. At work, there are 200 times more bacteria on your ____ than on your toilet seat."

Keyboard + 3 false answers

4. In 2009, the University of Texas reported that 100 jars of WHAT went missing?

Brains + 3 false answers

5.  Jeff Ingram, suffering from dissociative fugue, was found behind a dumpster in Denver and had no clue who he was. What name did he go by on local news?

Al + 3 false answers

6.  Which of the following is NOT a real dating site?

A. repotted.com

B. bikerkiss.com

C. vampersonals.com

D. match.com


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Which one of these magazines don't exist?

A. Emu Today & Tomorrow

B. Portable Restroom Operators

C. Matryoshka Collector

D. Girls & Corpses

( Answer C from GMM episode #837)

Chlorine and _____ can be used to make fire/an explosion

A) Gas

B) Brake Fluid

C) Ashes

D) Rabbit Flesh 

Answer - B (GMM 759)

What is the first Backup Plan Video?
A) Talking House Experiment
B) 10,000 Bees Beard
C) Giant Cereal Bowl Bath
D) Speed Talking Challenge
Correct answer: B (GMM 701)
In GMM #851 : Blind French Fry Taste Test Link calls himself what?
A) spud man
B) fry daddy
C) Lord of the fries
D) fry guy
Answer would be B
In a 1991 lawsuit against Anheuser-Busch what damages did Richard Overton claim to have suffered due to false and misleading advertising.

A. Physical and mental injury

B. Emotional distress

C. Financial loss

D. All of the above

Answer: D GMM 659
What two components can be extracted from human feces in order to be used in a meat substitute?

A. Fiber and Protein

B. Lipids and Fiber

C. Protein and Lipids

D. Water and Carbohydrates

Answer: C GMM 598

At Action Park in New Jersey, how many died because of the rides?

A) 7

B) 4

C) 6

D) 5

Answer - 6 (GMM 658)

Which item costs the most to purchase on the black market?

A: an Assassin for hire
B: a human cadaver
C: a Komodo dragon
D: 22 square feet of human skin

ANSWER: B, from GMM 787
The oldest secret society at Yale University is named what?

A: The Black Hand
B: The Bilderburg Group
C: Skull and Bones
D: Brotherhood of the Bohemian Grove

ANSWER: C, from GMM 798
What were the last words of Joseph Wright?

A: "I can't sleep"
B: "Farewell"
C: "Surprise me"
D: "Dictionary"

ANSWER: D, from GMM 772

In 2006, a man sued Nike and Michael Jordan for $832 million for what?

A) His Nike shoes got a hole in them

B) Michael Jordan "stole" his look/appearance

C) Michael Jordan married the man's wife

D) For playing baseball and not basketball

Answer - B (GMM 659)

Christopher Langan has an IQ of around 195 and is a _____

A) Farmer

B) Bouncer

C) Rancher

D) Unemployed

Answer - C (GMM 646)

7 Australian miners were fired for doing what?

A) Working overtime

B) Stealing a drill

C) Making a Harlem Shake video

D) Letting a kangaroo into the facility

Answer - C (GMM 704)

In 1907, Alexander Graham Bell made a flying device called what?

A) The Bleacherfly

B) The Crowen

C) The Assonantic

D) The Cygnet

Answer - D (GMM 703)

Apparently, when you boil cola, it can be a remedy for what?

A) Nausea

B) Herpes

C) Bunions

D) Psoriasis 

Answer - A (GMM 697)

A man named Gunther Holtorf went on a road trip that lasted how long?

A) 70 months

B) 19 years

C) 122 months

D) 26 years

Answer - D (GMM 671)

Apparently, putting ____ up your nose can cure headaches

A) Ghee

B) Soup

C) Frozen urine

D) Yoghurt

Answer - A (GMM 779)

Which of these apps don't exist?

A) Messy Pregnant Cat

B) Purple Sweater

C) Poop Log

D) Beef Noodle Bowl 2

Answer - B (GMM 712 and GMM 403)


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