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Ex: Books are our friends.

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Sometimes a good book is all of that and a bag of chips

Shaelah (Vivid Wyvern) said:
It took all my power to try not to quote the Reading Rainbow theme, but here's one: they help you get away from it all. That's why I read. It takes you to a place where you have no problems, and sometimes, that's the best thing you could want.
(Sorry it's not that funny, but this is serious thread to me.)
Here are my 30 reasons not to destroy books

30 Book Fairies are very bitter and will retaliate
29 Trees who sacrifice their lives would think you ungrateful
28 You'll never finish a book if you destroy it (or its sequel)
27 Destroying books brings Bad Karma you'll be labeled a "book bully"
26 Books are better than modern medicine stories can heal you
25 Santa Reads Books, Tooth fairy reads books ;)
24 A book a day keep Senility away
23 If you keep them instead of destroying them you'll have a library
22 They make great Christmas presents
21 They make great Birthday presents
20 They make great Wedding presents
19 Books are both decorative and functional
18 you can place them on your head for balanced walking
17 if your unbalanced you can read up on how to be balanced
16 You can use them for discipline (better be good or I throw the book at you...)
15 They make great mock steps or stairs when you need to reach up high
14 Books contains Secrets
13 Books contains Knowledge
12 Books contains Mysteries Miseries
11 Book can be containers ( hold keys and other books)
10 We love Picture Books
9 Memories lane can be found in books ( nostalgia)
8 Money can be found in books
7 Books are like chain letters if you destroy one you will have Bad JuJu
6 A book is a rainbow for the imagination on paper
5 Only smart & sexy people read books so don't be a stupid hater
4 Books start with the 2nd letter of the alphabet B
3 Books are entertaining (no electricity, batteries, memory card, or disc are required)
2 Neverending Story (love the movie, love the book) nuff said
1 God made the Bible, the Bible is a book, Destroy a book and you risk angering God
1. Books are awesome
2. you need them for school :I (oh wait... that's a reason to destroy them :P)
3. if the table is to high... you can sit on some books :D
4. if the table is to low... you can put books underneath it :D
5. if you're lost.. and u have a book... and no food... then u can eat the book :D
6. books save lives :D
7. books are the " parents" of movies
8. especially awesome movies
9. to defend against swords of evil people :D
10. books are good hiding places :D
11. books make people smiley :D
12. books give ideas
13. books give people food.
14. books give money :D
15. books give laughing
16. books bring people together
17. books bring hank green to the netherlands :D
18. books should be nice and bring r&l to the netherlands
19. without books we wouldn't have pc's
20. books can make ships :D
21. books make thingies easy
22. books have info :D
23. books are books
24. books can have maps in it :D
25. because of books we are smarter
26. you can build buildings with them
27. you can build dams with them :D
28. you can build a live kast on them :D
29. Books make me do this :D
30. this is the last reason why books shouldn't be destroyed :D
1. Because that is just a waste. 2. Because you could give it to someone else who would enjoy it. 3. Because books can be wonderful adventures. 4. Because you can learn things from books. 5. Because some people don't have the oppurtunities we do and we shouldn't take it for granted. 6. People work very hard creating them. 7. Theres so much you can take and use from them in life. 8. They can be good inspirations. 9. That would probably destroy the person who worked so hard on it inside. 10. Because BOOKS ARE AWESOME! I'm only doing 10 =3


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