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Kazuko's death scene!! i want to share some of the book (I'm not writing it, a friend is. im just helping)

 The book is about two ninjas and their mission to steal an artifact from edo-period warlord, Oda Nobunaga.the ninja's names are, Kazuko and Nanashi. they are killed by one of Kazuko's old students and the Grand master's son Akira Kawashima. be sure to check out the attachment! here is a bit of text from the book itself (Kazuko's death scene!):


A ninja jumped down from a nearby tree and landed in front of Kazuko and Nanashi. the ninja drew his katana with lightning speed. Kazuko's first thought was to run with Nanashi. she had a bad feeling about this ninja, something about him seemed familiar.


In hopes of protecting her young apprentice, Kazuko said, "Nanashi get down! This is your first mission, I don't want you to get hurt!"


Nanashi didn't want to get down, she wanted to fight with her master, so she said, "Kazuko, I want to help you fight! That's all I've ever wanted to do!"


"I'm sorry Nanashi, i hope you can forgive me, but this is my battle. I can sense his evil aura growing stronger. he is a formidable foe. He is too dangerous to fight together, we may both die!" replied Kazuko, half aware of what she was saying.


Nanashi reluctantly ducked behind the nearest tree as Kazuko was attacked by the ninja. Kazuko drew her own sword and blocked his ferocious attack. She was caught slightly off guard as he stepped backwards three paces and hurled several kunai at her. She caught three, throwing them back towards him, but the fourth one hit her in the shoulder. she looked down at the throwing knife embedded in her shoulder as the pain began to worsen in her now bleeding arm. She pulled out the kunai, causing the pain to increase.


She tried to throw a shuriken at him. As she pulled the throwing knife out of her gui, she was stopped by as a sudden wave of pain surged through her arm. She realized with horror that she couldn't use her shuriken because the arm she threw them with had been the one hit with the kunai. She specialized with throwing knives, she had to do something, so she reached for her sword that she had dropped so that she could catch the kunai. She looked up only in time to see the ninja coming towards her with remarkable speed.


He stood above Kazuko and laughed. She reached desperatly for her sword. He realized the danger of the possibility of her reaching the sword and so he kicked it away. he laughed again this time sending a powerful kick towards Kazuko, forcing her back a few feet. She stood, realizing, to late, who this ninja was. He was her old student, Akira Kawashima, the son of her master. "Akira, listen to me!" she said, trying to get up.


"You were a fool, Kazuko, you never could fight. You were never strong enough to be a ninja. So today I will kill you," he said with a cold tone that sent a shiver down Kazuko's spine.


Kazuko managed to stand, obviously weakened severely. She looked at her former student and said, "Akira why are you doing this, you were once a good person. Now you are consumed by an evil energy. I can sense it!"


Akira reached into his gui and pulled out three poison-tipped throwing darts. Nanashi saw what Kazuko didn't, and desperately warned Kazuko, afraid she hadn't seen the obvious, Nanashi said, "Kazuko look out! He has something in his hand!"


It was too late. Akira threw the darts towards Kazuko with superhuman speed. He laughed as all three darts hit Kazuko in the stomach. Nanashi screamed as Kazuko fell to the ground, clutching her stomach. Nanashi said, "Kazuko! Hang in there I'm coming!"


As Nanashi ran toward him, he threw down a small round explosive and a cloud of puffy white smoke billowed up from the ground. As the smoke settled Nanashi realized with anger he had escaped. She ran at full speed towards her master, lying on the ground thirty feet from her.


She kneeled next to Kazuko's body. she put her arm behind Kazuko's head. Kazuko coughed as the poison started to take it's full effect. Kazuko's vision blurred. she looked at the worried face of her apprentice, and said, "Nanashi, I'm sorry.  I am going to die. I wish i could continue to help you with you training, but my life is fading."


Nanashi looked at her master and began to cry. "Kazuko, you can't die! Not yet! I still need you!" Nanashi said, the sadness showing in her voice.

"I'm sorry Nanashi. I'm so sorry, but i can't live much longer the poison in spreading quickly. you must avenge my death and defeat Akira. Goodbye Nanashi," Kazuko said as she took her final breath.


"No! Kazuko! I promise I will avenge your death!" said Nanashi.


Nanashi stood and walked away into the woods, leaving Kazuko's body to rest in peace.







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