
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!


Hey guys!

I’m sure most of you have seen us roll playing in the Komm chat. ^^ Well, Zach and I have decided to make one here, in a discussion, for those who are interested in a more long-term RPG story.

Firstly, it might seem like there are a lot of rules, but they are mostly just common sense and will not inhibit your ability to control your character. Also, even though we are “Game Masters” we will not abuse that power, in fact we will even kill our own characters if we feel it is correct. This RPG story is meant to be fun, do not take anything that happens in it personal, no matter what. Have a good time, use your creativity as much as you can, and just enjoy the story as it unfolds.



  1. You can have multiple Characters! They don’t have to be all on the side of good, or all on the side of bad, you can have both, either, or neither.
  2. You may not control another person’s named character.
  3. You may not kill another person’s named character.
  4. All decisions regarding final fates of characters are to be decided by the GMs (game masters).
  5. Try to keep the story central.
  6. GMs are able to ban participants.
  7. One post at a time! If you submit a post in the RPG story, don’t post again directly afterwards, wait for another person to post in between. If you address another person’s character, wait for that person to answer.
  8. All characters must be able to die. No invincible characters. Ever!
  9. Try your best to keep everything is pace.
  10. No destroying the world.

Sub rules

1. The world is an Earth like situation, which means that you cannot fly. Of course, some characters with wings, and magic powers are able to fly, but real-world physics still apply..
2. Mythical Beasts are allowed. Meaning you can have dragons, phoenixes, and other types of creatures that may or may not exist in the real world.
3. This is a time period similar the middle ages, which means, there are no guns.
4. There is magic on this world. (Such as the use of fire, water, earth, lightning, light, and dark magics.) Of course, standard use of magic applies.
5. You are allowed to create a character of a different race, such as the races: orcs, drow, elves, and dwarves, among others. Try to keep your character’s personality similar to the characteristics of its race. For example, since dwarves like to eat, to not make an anorexic dwarf.
6. There are the different kinds of magic users, such as: wizards, sorcerers, druids, warlocks, clerics, necromancers, magicians, etc. If you are going to use a magic user you must stay within the boundaries for that type of magic user. As an example Necromancers cannot heal people, it just doesn’t work.
7. Creatures that are summoned using something such as an artifact will have to return to their plane of existence after a period of time depending on the strength of the creature summoned. But if a creature is summoned through a ritual (such as a demon) they can say on the plane of existence they were summoned on until banished, or summoned elsewhere. 
8. Magic is not infinite, it relies on the strength of the user and it takes a price for its use. The stronger the magic the more the energy it takes to use. If you use magic to start a fire, and then the fire starts the trees on fire, it will take less magic than for you to try to start all the trees on fire on your own. Magic will also take more energy to travel a further distance.
9. Weapons can be enchanted, although those weapons are rare. Weapons that are enchanted must be enchanted as they are made, they cannot be enchanted after they are finished being made.
10. If the game masters have missed any rules, or feel that there needs to be more, they can add rules for the sake of keeping the story fun, entertaining, and fair.


Now that the rules are all out there nice and pretty, I would like to ask something..

Mods, if you would like us to move this discussion to another, external, site, I would very happily do so, if it becomes bothersome in any way. I would however, very much like to ask that you do not delete it. If we could have a warning first, so we have a chance to save the work, I would be very, very thankful.


Okay! So enough boring stuff, it's time to have some fun with this! Just post below with your addition to the story. Be creative, be fair, and especially, have fun!!

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Gallimond laughed uproariously. "More than I can deal with?! Who does he think he is? Who does he think I am?" His sinister laughter rumbled across the castle. "Oh, this is just too much." He wiped tears from his eyes, his smile never leaving his face.

"Come on," he said, taking his coat and hat from his guard, "We're paying Macon a little visit..." 

  Myra had watched the blood episode, slightly disgusted. She didn't quite understand the whole bloodelf thing. As she stood up, she remembered she still had Seth's dagger and handed it back to him.

  "I gotta go" she mumbled and walked out of the room. She needed to get a break from all the chaos. She went outside and headed toward her house, a little cottage a couple minute's walk away from the inn. She lived there with her mother Melda and her 23 year old brother Rilien. Rilien had been visiting friends in a neighboring village for a week and was supposed to be back home today or tomorrow. Even though he was only three years older than her, he had helped raise her after their father died fourteen years ago, and they were very close. Myra hoped he would be home soon. She needed to talk to him.

  She went inside the house and found her mother asleep in bed. As she went to her room she passed a locked door. It was her father's study and had been locked ever since he died. But she wanted to look around inside, so she searched for the key and found it in a kitchen drawer. She came back to the door with the key and a lit candle, opened the door, and went into the study.

  It looked exactly like she remembered it, except smaller, probably because she was only a little six-year-old the last time she was in there. The two walls on the right and left were covered with shelves full of books, the wall opposite her had two big windows and curtains, and the wall behind her had several maps hanging on it around the door she had just walked through. There was a desk and a big comfy chair in the middle of the room. Myra walked over to the desk. It was covered with books and papers. She put the candle on the desk, picked up one of the books, and sat down in the chair to read it.

As Myra was sitting in the chair in her father's study, she opened the book she had picked up. On the first page was her father's name, Braden Callum. This must be his journal, she thought and started to flip through the pages. There were entries about his studies and his life with his family.

But one entry caught her eye. It was about his work and what he had done that day. He wrote about using a portal to another world, and going with a few companions. Another world? Companions? Maybe her father had known Finn and Seth? Or someone connected with them? But the entry was short and didn't explain much.

She kept reading the journal and it went on to talk about one day that he had been with his children, Myra and Rilien, and showed them a little magic. He had showed them flashes of light and orbs, and he had shown Myra how to use herbs with magic to heal people.

As Myra was reading this, her whole day was starting to make sense. She had only been six years old when her father showed her the magic, so she didn't remember it. But this explained why what she saw today seemed so familiar! And why she always had a special ability when it came to healing.

She read the rest of the page and started flipping through the journal until she came to the very last entry, dated just a couple of days before he had died.

Myra Callum, my sweet little girl.

Beautiful Dove, that's what your full name means. You are my little dove, and I love you so much.

I only have a few days left here on earth. I wish I could stay and watch you grow into the beautiful lady I know you will be, but I will not be around for that.

Myra was crying as she read. She reached up and held the necklace that he had given her. It was a silver dove on a chain. She had never taken it off since the day he gave it to her.

If you are reading this, I have probably been gone for quite a while now, and you are much older and will be able to understand everything I want to tell you. You have a special gift for healing, and for other kinds of magic as well. You should practice it as much as you can, which I know you will in you mother's infirmary. It will be there, even if you don't know that it's magic. And it will come in useful later in your life.

The entry then had a section written to her brother Rilien that mentioned how he also had an ability in magic. And there was a section written to her mother. The last part was written to Myra and Rilien.

Myra and Rilien, now that you are old enough, you should know a little more about me. My work had to do with magic and world travelling. I was what you could call a wizard, and I belonged to an organization committed to bringing good and justice to the worlds. And that is all I need to tell you now. You will meet some people who have worked with me, and you will be able to find out more. For now, just know that I love the two of you more than anything and will always be with you.

And that was the end of the entry. The last thing her father had written. Myra wiped the tears from her eyes and sat back in the chair, hugging the journal to her. She sat and thought over everything for a long time. She yawned and her eyes began to droop as she drifted off to sleep.

"Macon!" Gallimond said with a grin, twirling his knife. It was a beauty, really, his knife. He had gotten it carved by the most skilled of workers. He admired it for a second before returning to Macon. 

"So, lad, I expect a full report," he said, calculating his words carefully. "What of Xylia?"

Gallimond had seen Xylia of course, but Macon didn't know that. He had seen Xylia exiting from what seemed like Macon's room when he had arrived. They're talking, that's good. It was an interesting development. She had looked slightly distracted, as if something had happened to capture her full attention. I wonder who she's thinking of... he wondered for curiosity's sake. But of course, he already knew. He was The Duke, of course. He knew exactly who Xylia was thinking of, and he wanted to know what had brought this about.

"Tell me, have you had any interesting conversations so far?" he said to Macon.

Myra's brother Rilien was just getting home from spending a week at a friend's house in another village. It was just after sunrise as he slipped into the house and headed back to his room, his dark hair ruffled, and his brown eyes sleepy. As he passed his father's study, he saw that the door was open. Strange, he thought, it's been locked for years. He went inside, saw Myra asleep on the chair, and smiled. His little sister was so cute. He walked over to the desk and noticed the burnt out candle and the book in Myra's arms. He sat on the arm of the chair and brushed Myra's tangled brown hair out of her face. She grunted and woke up, and her green eyes sparkled when she saw him.
"Rilien!" Myra jumped up and hugged him. "You're home!"
"Yeah," he said as he picked her up and spun around, "and what are you doing in Dad's study?" Myra giggled and pulled away to show him the journal and the entry written to them. As he read it, she told him about all the strange events that had happened. "So what do you think?"
"Wow. This is... crazy," Rilien was at a loss for words, trying to process all this new information. "Are they still at the inn?" He asked, referring to Finn, Seth, and everyone else Myra had told him about.
"Yeah I think so. But we should talk to Mom first," Myra said and they both went to her room. Their mother Melda was just waking up.
"Rilien, welcome home!" she said and hugged him. "And Myra, where have you been? You didn't come home last night, and I've been worried about you!"
"Sorry Mom," Myra apologized and then told her about everything that had happened and showed her the journal. "So Rilien and I are going to go back to the inn if that's alright."
"Yes, it's fine," Melda said. "Just have some breakfast first." Myra and Rilien ate their breakfast, and Myra went to her room to freshen up and change out of the dress she had been wearing and into a tunic, pants, boots, and a dark green cloak. She went back to her father's study and found a long dagger with an emerald jewel in the handle. She remembered her father saying he wanted her to have it when she was older. She put the dagger in it's sheath and attached it to her belt, and she put the journal, some herbs, and a few other supplies in a small leather bag she carried. Then she and Rilien headed over to the Jolly Bear Inn.

They got to the inn and went upstairs. Myra led Rilien down the hall, headed towards the room she had been in before she left. As she passed the other rooms, she noticed one door was open and heard voices coming from it. She looked in and saw Loraden, Lanie, and the others.
"What's going on?" she asked as she entered the room. She noticed they were gathered around a badly burnt girl, and went over to kneel by her. "Can I help?"

Myra glanced up at Loraden as he finished speaking.

"... Okay." Loraden seemed to know what he was talking about, so she trusted that he could do it. She examined Norara's wounds. She had dealt with burns before, but never anything this serious. Healing Norara would take more than just some simple herbs.

"I can do this," she said out loud to herself and took a deep breath. She pulled out the herbs from her bag and spread them out on the floor to see which ones would work best.

Myra listened to Loraden's advice as she started working with the herbs. She was starting to remember everything her father had taught her. She mixed apium leaves, aloe, and powdered flower pedals with water to make a thick greenish paste. This mixture was what would be used for soothing the pain from a second degree burn. She added a few more ingredients to make it more effective. Now all it needed was some energy.

Myra closed her eyes and put her hands around the paste she had just made. More memories of her father's teaching flooded her mind. She focused on life and energy and healing, and directed it towards the paste. All of a sudden her hands felt tingly, and her eyes flew open to see a bright flash of green light form and enter the paste, making it glow. She took the glowing paste and gently spread it on Norara's skin, covering her whole body.

Myra felt dizzy. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall to make her head stop spinning. This was her first real use of magic. Now they just had to wait for it to take effect in Norara. It could take a while because of the severity of her condition.

After a couple minutes, Myra opened her eyes again to see if anything had happened. She noticed that Norara's burnt grey skin now had the faintest tint of color to it. Life was very slowly but surely starting to come back!

Seth looked at Finn, knowing there was nothing they could do. Perigrina looked just as surprised as the others.

“Why are you two always in trouble?” She asked the two.

“You aught to know, Perigrina.” Seth said.

“You are the only one who remembers anything.” Finn said to her.

“It’s not my fault you two are pains!” She exclaimed. “I still don’t get why I have always been stuck with you two.” She complained.

“You know you like it.” Seth said with a wink. Perigrina glared at him, but she smiled all of a sudden.

“Yes, I do. But I don’t understand why.” She said. Finn suddenly smacked at the wall.

“Finn, I know you don’t like bugs, but that doesn’t mean you need to kill all of them.” Seth said, as he watched Finn chase after the bug. Seth suddenly realized that the bug was laughing at Finn.

“Finn! Stop! That isn’t a bug!” Seth yelled to his friend. Finn stopped trying to get the bug.

“What is it, then?” He asked Seth.

“It’s a pixy.” Seth replied, as he walked toward the pixy. The pixy, which could be seen when close up, seemed to be doubled over in laughter. She stopped laughing, and disappeared. Suddenly a young girl, of about 15, walked into the room. Finn stood and grabbed his sword, ready to use it.

“Relax, Finn.” Perigrina said, “She is one of your friends too.”

“I highly doubt that.” Finn said.

“Well, just because you and I don’t get along, Finn, doesn’t mean that I’m not Seth’s friend.” The girl said. “After all, I did bug you a lot.” She said with a smile.

“Not this again.” Seth said when he saw the look on Finn’s face.

Seth stood, a hand on his dagger. When he realized she wasn’t outraged anymore, he relaxed his grip.

“No problem at all.” Perigrina said.

Finn stood with his hand on his sword, “You are no longer outraged?”

“No, she isn’t, Finn.” Seth replied for Samenta.

“Hello, my name is Princess Nightglow.” Said the girl who looked to be about 15.

“I am Perigrina, Elemental wizard tier 6.” Perigrina told Samenta in a formal tone.

“My name is Seth.” Seth said, then he turned to Perigrina, “Was the title really necessary?”

“Yes it was, Seth.” She said.

“Well, everyone else is saying their names, why not me? My name is Finn.” He said.

Seth turned to Samenta, again. “Our purpose is something that you cannot know. Because we know it not yet.” He said in a completely serious tone. “I am sorry, however, about the rough treating you got. We had to act fast before you killed everyone in the village. We would have taken care of you, and had your blood flowing again, but your other bloodelf friend came and took you away. No matter, you are ok again.” He paused, then he started again. “You and your friends had better be careful about whatever had you outraged. There are few people that realize that bloodelves are living creatures. You are lucky, lucky that you had a friend to help you. The last bloodelf I saw, I had to kill. He was outraged and I had no way to help.” He finished. He tightened his grip on his dagger, making sure he still had it. He held it, and felt the energy re-join into his body. He would have given that energy to Samanta, had he been given the time. Oh well, he thought, She is fine now, that is all we need.

Myra had been sitting with Norara the whole time, determined not to leave her until she was completely healed. She started mixing a couple different herbs, figuring out which ones would speed up the healing process. She found some that worked, added some magic to it, and applied it to Norara. When she did, the color started coming back into the skin faster. When the fight with the trolls started, she moved closer to protect Norara from the fire and arrows that were everywhere.

Myra realized she had forgotten to introduce everyone to her brother Rilien, who had been standing there quietly watching. When the trolls came, Rilien grabbed his twin swords and ran out to help Dimitri. Now there was one big troll. He saw Dimitri put alcholo on the knife and knew what he was about to do. "I'll distract it for you!" he yelled and ran over to the troll, yelling and swinging his swords madly.

"Hurry!" Rilien said as he tossed the sword to Dimitri and slashed at the creature's legs. It stumbled around and swung its arms at him. Rilien dodged and continued hacking at its legs.

Rilien stood back, breathing hard. "Hopefully that's the last of them." He wiped off his sword on a clean piece of grass and put it back in its sheath.

"I don't think I've introduced myself. I'm Rilien," he said, extending his hand.


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