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How many people in the kommunity are Christian or any denomination under Christianity and is a firm believer in the Lord Jesus Christ? How many of you know to go past religion and have a real relationship with Christ?

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wow! I'll tell u now im not christion and that there arnt any other polytheists on rett and link. iv been asking scince i got on and if i had to guess id say that thare are many many jesus fishys here so ya . . . i think a better question would be how may mythical beasts havent found your god lol :P, i have a question, am i going to hell evin if i save the lives of good people?
Tobias Socrate (Dodecataur) said:
wow! I'll tell u now im not christion and that there arnt any other polytheists on rett and link. iv been asking scince i got on and if i had to guess id say that thare are many many jesus fishys here so ya . . . i think a better question would be how may mythical beasts havent found your god lol :P, i have a question, am i going to hell evin if i save the lives of good people?

Save them, how?
ok, if u dont know christianity in detail, then u shouldnt be saying this kind of stuff, because christianity, at least lutheran-wise, salvation is not based on "doing" anything

Tobias Socrate (Dodecataur) said:
wow! I'll tell u now im not christion and that there arnt any other polytheists on rett and link. iv been asking scince i got on and if i had to guess id say that thare are many many jesus fishys here so ya . . . i think a better question would be how may mythical beasts havent found your god lol :P, i have a question, am i going to hell evin if i save the lives of good people?
Gumbo123 said:
CJ - - there is already a R&L Kommunity group simply titled CHRISTIANS with at least 175 members. Good place for discussions and sharing, testimonies, prayer requests, etc.

CLICK HERE to jump directly to that group's page

ok. kool. i was unaware.
i mean like if i make a positiv chance in ther lives (wether that change is literaly saving there lives or just giving them a reason to be happy on a day that just plain sux) without reciving anything in return but satisfaction, i actualy ment that the old testament and new testamint god differ in opinon of smiteing and im wondering if being a differant religion actualy condems me to hell evin if im a good person.

CJ Higgins said:
Tobias Socrate (Dodecataur) said:
wow! I'll tell u now im not christion and that there arnt any other polytheists on rett and link. iv been asking scince i got on and if i had to guess id say that thare are many many jesus fishys here so ya . . . i think a better question would be how may mythical beasts havent found your god lol :P, i have a question, am i going to hell evin if i save the lives of good people?

Save them, how?
well i believe that Jesus is the One and Only God and you can only enter Heaven through Him. As far as helping someone have a better day, then that is always good.
Tobias - - I'll try not to get too deep here (although I could, because I truly do believe 100% what the Bible says), but it's not at all about being good or doing good . . . righteousness in the eyes of God can come about only one way and that's through His grace and gift.

Whether you consider yourself a Christian or not, please take a few minutes to watch this short video and then ask yourself a few serious questions.


Tobias Socrate (Dodecataur) said:
i mean like if i make a positiv chance in ther lives (wether that change is literaly saving there lives or just giving them a reason to be happy on a day that just plain sux) without reciving anything in return but satisfaction, i actualy ment that the old testament and new testamint god differ in opinon of smiteing and im wondering if being a differant religion actualy condems me to hell evin if im a good person.
Jesus Christ is so real. His leadership is perfect. When He has His way in me, I am not the same. I love this man with all my being!!!!
The Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to God. (John 14:6)
Moral, upstanding people do not go to heaven, only those who admit they are sinners/rebels can be saved.
Jesus said, "I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance" (Luke 5:32)
you have to ask jesus in to your heart

Tobias Socrate (Dodecataur) said:
i mean like if i make a positiv chance in ther lives (wether that change is literaly saving there lives or just giving them a reason to be happy on a day that just plain sux) without reciving anything in return but satisfaction, i actualy ment that the old testament and new testamint god differ in opinon of smiteing and im wondering if being a differant religion actualy condems me to hell evin if im a good person.

CJ Higgins said:
Tobias Socrate (Dodecataur) said:
wow! I'll tell u now im not christion and that there arnt any other polytheists on rett and link. iv been asking scince i got on and if i had to guess id say that thare are many many jesus fishys here so ya . . . i think a better question would be how may mythical beasts havent found your god lol :P, i have a question, am i going to hell evin if i save the lives of good people?

Save them, how?
I hate to be the Non-believer in the room, but that's who I am. I am NOT anti-god in any way, I am however anti-church (the catholic one, to be precise). I have my reasons.

- I cannot believe in the bible when it tells me odd and terrible things. Such as: Exo.31:14-15, Leviticus 25:44, Exodus 21:7, Lev.1:9, Exodus 35:2, 11:10, Lev. 21:20, Lev. 19:27, 11:6-8, Lev.19:19, Lev.24:10-16,Lev. 20:14, ,and my personal favorite, Lev.15: 19-24. So I am allowed to sell my daughter into slavery and put anyone who works on the sabbath to death, in the eyes of the lord, but if I fall in love *see reason 2*, have any contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness, trim the hair around my temples, play football or eat shell fish I'm going to hell? The bible says every one's going to hell, unless we follow bible, which condemns all of us.

*Please look up the aforementioned passage to understand my point.

-I'm gay, self-explanatory. I have never felt any feelings for a woman, and I have for a man. Either god made a mistake or Leviticus is wrong.

-*see attachment 1*

-The church has a long tradition of going against genius (Galileo Galilei, for example), Art (Pope Pius IX ), Women's rights (Genesis 3:16, Corinthians 14:34-36, Colossians 3:18, Peter 3:1) and progress in general.

-We only know of existence though our brain, our brain only knows though observation (using the senses), science relies on observation to understand all that exists. If I want to understand all that exists, I use science, not religion. Science has the potential to make sense to everyone and encompasses everything.
Religion is quite different, it does not use observation or reason to explain, it does not explain.

I don't want to attack religion, but those are just my opinions. I'm very open-minded and reasonable, which is why I have come to my conclusion. I hope you too will be as open-minded and respond to my comment.

I sincerely believe that if I lead a good and moral life, God, if he exists, will let me into heaven. If God would turn away a good person for not believing in him, he is not divine at all, and I'd rather wallow in hell than to be with him.
im a 100% Believer in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I affirm what the Bible says and am a Christian. Im not ashamed a bit of it either :)


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