
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I forget exactly how I found them. I think a friend told me about them or maybe I stumbled upon GMM. I honestly don't know.

How I found Rhett and Link was they kept popping up in my suggested videos but one video that got my attention was: "How to give yourself chills" my first ever video i watched of them I emmediately new i would like this channel.

I saw a video and got curious and now watch it

I found out about them a couple of weeks ago because I was watching there My ocd video and I really like the song so I checked out ere main channel and there others ones two now I haven't stopped watching there videos

I was in 6th grade, and one of my friends was singing the 'My Hair Goes' song, but she had only discovered the song channel. I looked the song up on the internet, and discovered GMM! I was hooked, and have been watching ever since. I had found them earlier in like 4th grade, but I didn't find them very interesting,and didn't watch any more until 6th grade. (worst decision I have ever made)

Good Mythical Morning was suggested to me by YouTube.

I saw them on youtube for the first time about 3 years ago but it took a couple of months untiI I started to watch them every week and now they are one of my favorite youtubers that I follow. I love how they make me laugh and it makes me feel better especially during days when you dont feel so good.

I found their "do you have OCD" episode on YouTube while researching OCD and I was so confused by them, I didn't know about "you tubers" and it was weird but I liked it. I didn't watch more episodes because I wasn't aware of them yet but a few months later, more episodes were suggested on YouTube and I remembered them and now I'm addicted :)

I was watching a Fine Brothers episode where Rhett and Link were reacting to Japanese commercials. When they were asked which country they thought created the commercials, they said with straight faces that the Canadians made them. I am Canadian and I found it amusing watching them so i decided to look them up. Here we are today many years later.

I met Rhett and Link when I watched the wheel of mythicality cartoons I just loved watching those videos

I don't know how I found them, but I found them in 2016 and haven't been able to quit. I thank my employer for unknowingly paying me to watch GMM (and GMMore) in the background as I spreadsheeted my little heart out.

I don't really remember how, but I do know that it was around the time of Will It Taco.


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