
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I actually found out about them through my friend who said, "You need to see this, it is so funny." It was "Will it shoe?" I was looking at how long the video was and I was like Oh no it is like almost 12 minutes long and I wasn't even sure if I could focus all that time on them. You have no idea how happy I was to be proven wrong. Even at the end of the video I was so captivated at how much they made me laugh. I eased into their content with all the Will its series and then most of their GMM, eventually watching them everyday, listening to their podcasts and all their music. I have never felt more happy than when I am watching them and they seriously made me want to do what I wish to do in live no matter how hard. They are awesome!

I haven't seen this topic yet! 

I discovered Rhett and Link back in September of 2010. Around that time, they released 2 Guys, 600 Pillows. It was featured on the youtube homepage.

I was amazed watching them do the music video singing the song reversed.

I only favorited a few videos that year. ^^'

I haven't watched a lot of Rhett and Link from 2011-2013 until late November of 2014, I wasn't feeling in the best moods at a birthday party. My sister then asks if I've watched Good Mythical Morning. At that time I didn't even know what that was. Then I saw Rhett and Link after a few years moving on with my life.

You guys really make me happy. :)

I watched the geek vs nerd waited some time suddenly I ran into videos of them and my interest grew from there on

Oh goodness... I'd say that I found out about Rhett and Link about 4 years ago when I watched their 2 guys 600 pillows video. I watched a few more videos of theirs, but it wasn't till I found out about Good Mythical Morning about a year and a half ago that I really got hooked. Now GMM is part of my daily routine and I look forward to it everyday!

My older sis showed GMM to me back in July 2015. I have been watching their videos ever since.

I found Rhett and Link while watching The Marshmallow Show, thought these guys look interesting. I'll  look them up on You Tube, and sure enough, I've  been hooked ever since, and have gotten my grandsons hooked, too. Good clean fun, all in the family!

I found them very randomly. I was watching some Youtube and keep seeing them in the reccomended videos. Then I go " I'm gonna see who and what they are." And whaddya know, I'm a mythical beast!

I found them thanks to the Fine Bros, via a Kids React episode. Hooray!

I was watching ERB of August 23, 2015. I found Nerd Vs Geek. I subscribed to Rhett and Link and GMM. I got up the next morning to find a video in my subscription box. Havent missed an episode since. 

i found them years ago cause a frieznd showed me them

This is going to be a little long, so I apologize in advance. I actually only just found out about Rhett and Link this last March. The first video I ever watched was their "How Not to Buy a Car on Craigslist" episode, which I found when I was actually looking for a car on Craigslist. I had totaled my 1990 Honda Civic back in January after I hit some black ice and slid WAY off the road. I wasn't really in a great place mentally at the time: I was finishing up my final year for my bachelor's degree at 33 years old, I was working part-time to cover some of my living expenses, and without a car, I had absolutely no way to get to either my college or my job (both were about 25 miles from me and, as I lived way in the country, public transportation just wasn't available). I'd been borrowing my mother's car to get back and forth to work and school and arranging my schedule so that she would have the car when she needed it. There was this pretty constant loop playing in my head telling me that I was a grown woman borrowing her mother's car because I'd been too stupid to realize that the roads were going to be icy. It didn't matter that my mother borrowed my car when her car broke down (the joys of living below the poverty level) and it didn't matter that two separate mechanics told me that the frame was so rusty that I was very lucky it hadn't broken on me hitting a pothole: in my head all of it was my fault because I was stupid.

I found Rhett and Link's video because I was looking for a replacement car on Craigslist. I'd been looking for two months at that point and hadn't gotten any closer to finding a car that DIDN'T have more than 200,000 miles on it, wasn't being sold by a 17-year-old boy, and/or didn't need a new head gasket/transmission/exhaust from the manifold back/etc. I finally started looking for advice on how to buy a car on Craigslist and found the episode of GMM mentioned above. It clearly wasn't what I was looking for, but it looked funny and I was having a pretty crummy couple of, so I watched it anyway.

It's absurd how much better the episode made me feel. I had in fact had the EXACT same experience of finding out that the seller didn't have the title only AFTER I'd already test-driven the car and asked a bunch of questions. In my case, I never bought the car: the man in question was a little difficult to understand as he was a native Polish speaker (so there was a bit of a communication problem), he had spent over 10 minutes warming the car up before I got there (for some reason that I'm not 100% clear on and only found out about because I got there early and then snooped once I saw him starting the car), refused to let me drive the car myself and instead raced around the residential neighborhood he lived in (I was TERRIFIED), and had failed to mention that the heater core of the car was clearly toast (the whole inside of the car steamed up so bad I couldn't see out of the windshield). Still, this was an experience that I identified with and seeing someone else dealing with it AND being able to make light of it made me feel SO much better.

After that, I looked for more stories about what had happened to the car when I actually had free time. Once I'd watched all of the GMM's about the Ford Bronco, I started watching some of the other GMM episodes that looked interesting to me, particularly when I needed to get my mind off of my thesis/my job/my application for grad school. I know it's kind of a silly morning show, but it helped me deal with stress at a time when I was drowning in it. I caught up on all of the episodes of GMM, GMMore, and all of Rhett and Link's main channel content over the summer and now I watch GMM and GMMore every day.

Interestingly, my own Craigslist vehicle purchase ended up much the same as Rhett and Link's. I bought a banana yellow 2003 Mazda Protege5 with the check engine light on and no rear seat belts because I needed something pretty much immediately to get myself to grad school. Three months and about $600 later the check engine light is still on, there's a plume of white smoke every time I start the thing cold, and I've had to replace every single wheel after discovering that ALL of them were bent bad enough to make the whole car shake at highway speeds. It's still running for now, but that's the best thing I'll say about it.

So, the tl;dr version is that I found Rhett and Link because I wrecked my car and because they bought a 1992 Ford Bronco three and a half years ago. :)


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