
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I was watching Food Network and they were guests doing a Will It? thing on Next Food Network Star and I loved them. I googled GMM and started watching it. Instant fan!

My sister got me hooked. She showed me the clothes off game episode and I loved it. I have been watching ever since.

   My husband and I have been watching since the very first season (yes I procrastinated rather badly lol) and we actually came across Good Mythical Morning quite by accident, while trying to find something specific on youtube.  We have been hooked on the show ever since.

i found them in late 2013 , probably a week before the new year 2014. i searched on youtube "weird candy" and the video "the strangest candy on earth" popped first. Aaand since that day , here we are !

i found them in 2013 when they were covering optical illusions. that day i was really sad and they cheered me up so now i watch their videos every day to make me happy

I was watching YouTube and was to lazy to change the video and just let it go on and on until I found Rhett and Link and now I watch it every day other than Sunday (of course) in the morning. I found it while I was still in school and I watch YouTube on my television so I just always watch it while I get ready for school. The more I watched the more I wanted to and now I'm here.

My sister showed me the video of them doing things only with their feet because she wanted to gross me out, knowing I hate feet. Haha! 

It was two years ago. I was having the worst time of my life. But then I saw the Rhett & Link ad on YouTube. I think it was one of those 30-second ads (at least, in Finland we have those), where you just have to wait a while, to get to the actual video. At first, I was like: "Don´t bother me, I want to remain miserable. I want to see a video with sadness and depression, not this!"

Then something happened, and I started to laugh. It was the first time in months.

I clicked the ad, and watched the "The Ghost Pepper Challenge" video. I laughed so much, that I fell to the floor! They were funny, witty and emphatic. I was also touched by how genuine these men were and how real their friendship was.

That moment changed my life. Since then, I have watched those clips almost every day. When depression tries to take hold of me, I re-visit my favorite episodes. There are many of those. I remember, for example, the episode where Link eats black ink, and his mouth becomes just a black hole. I just HAVE to watch it often, because it makes me laugh every time.

Well, that's my story. Rhett and Link (and the crew, of course), you saved me at the lowest point in my life. I thank you for bringing joy and laughter back to my life.

Amazing story. :3

In my feed the "Do you have ODC video" popped up. I watched it ad subbed :P

My daughter showed me their show and I was hooked!
My older cousin showed me the "I Am a Thoughtful Guy" music video, and then he showed me GMM. I was hooked. I immediately told my family, and we have been watching Rhett and Link's main channel and GMM ever since.


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