
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I stumbled upon a GMM where Rhett and Link eat Swedish surströmming with PewDiePie. I am from Sweden myself and I always find it amusing when non-Swedish people try strange Swedish foods. I immediately got hooked on GMM and haven't been able to stop watching it since. Starting to have a hard time finding videos of GMM and GMMore that I still haven't seen :)

I got told by a guy at work a few years ago about GMM. Watched it once and it became apart of my daily routine the very next day. It took a few episodes to realize that I'd been seeing these guys for years. I don't know which video of theirs I actually saw first. It's because this is why I started really trying to keep up with my favorite YouTubers. Rhett and Link will forever be my absolute favorites, though. Not trying to be picky or say that because I am also from NC, I just really love their work and how it's for the most part family friendly. If my one year old is ever upset for any reason, put on a R&L song and he's dancing and happy. It's so awesome!

I found them in the middle of last year whilst doing some very late night internetting. I watched the Will It Pizza? episode and I got hooked to GMM instantly. I showed their main channel music videos to my sister and she loves them now just as much as I do.

A friend of mine is a great fan of food videos in general, and we began watching them together every once in a while. One day he showed me "Will it Ice Cream Sandwich" and from then on I was hooked. I started watching every video and loved it ever since. It has been there through highs and lows for me and I am just endlessly grateful and happy to finally be a member of the Kommunity <3

First video I saw of them was "Famous Last Words" when I was, like, 12.  First video I saw of them IN it, was "Waffles" by Julian Smith when I was probably 9 or 10.  About a year or so ago I "re-discovered" them on YouTube, and I've been a Mythical Beast ever since.

Watching PewDiePie when I was younger. GMM kept coming up on "Other Videos You May Like" tab, eventually I gave up and watched my first Good Mythical Morning. The rest is history.

RWJ equals 3 video on T-Shirt Wars.

I always saw my dad watching this two guys in the computer  and I was like WTF why he is always watching two guys just talking, then in december of last year  when  I was watching the Youtube rewind I saw them, and the curiosity kill the cat serch for Rhett and Link, see the epic rap battle of manliness video and now I'm addicted to this two dorks since then. 

I was going through a lot of stress and anxiety about a big upcoming life change (quitting my job, selling my house and moving across the state), and my sister-in-law sent me one of their videos to make me laugh. I got hooked, and R&L were fantastic stress relief for me. They still are. :)

their "i love local commercials" stuff had gone viral, and well, i got addicted to watching them.

i don't know when i found them but it was thanks to youtube recommendations (GOD THANK YOU!). At the time i used to watch Pewdiepie's videos and one of the recommended video was the one with Pewdiepie and RandL. After seeing some videos from their channel i immediately thought "i like this two dorks, this is my kind of stuff" and few weeks later i was obsesssed with them. i'm really really thankful for what happened that day and for everything that happened later :)

My friend started making me watch will its and now I'm obsessed.


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