
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I am new to the Kommunity. I first found them in October when they did the Good Mythical Morning video with Smosh. I watched it because I am fans of Smosh, and I found them hilarious and immediately started watching more episodes of GMM and their main channel videos as well. I have become obsessed with them and I spent a good portion of my winter break binge watching old GMM episodes. I am currently on season 6 of GMM along with watching the episodes they post daily. I'm so glad I found them! 

I found Rhett and Link through my dad who put good mythical morning on the computer one day. I have loved the duo ever since.

a GMM episode came up in my recommended on YouTube lol

My 8 year old sun showed me the secret fast food menu episode last July. Then we shared a "Will It...?" episode with my husband, and the 2 of us have been enjoying it ever since

Son, not sun!! I posted that a week ago and just noticed!

Ive known of Rhett and Link for a long time. The first video I discovered of there's was the "Dope Zebra" back in 2012ish! Ive always known of them. However one day the video popped up on my channel for "Will it Pizza?" and watched that and fell in love with Good Mythical Morning. They feel so relate-able. Ive boon continuously binge watching since November to catch up on all there content.

I found Rhett and Link when I was on the internet and I clicked on a Youtube video and I watched them ever since I ended 7th grade and then entered 8th grade (I am now in 9th grade). I have watched Rhett and Link for almost 3 years now I am very happy that I am watching their daily show and music videos everyday!!.

I found rhett and link..
But I never found myself..

Nahh just kidding, I've been here the whole time lol, watching your videos, and I will until people no longer care enough to click on your faces, and then I'm the only one left, then I will be forced to leave bc of how awkward it has become...
The rest is up to you, but I would advise against working in a cereal factory for Link's sake.

Anyways, I basically found you guys through Youtube and I will keep sticking around until, well yeah..


(insert beast name here)
im only on step 2, havent done that part yet xD

I was just casually walking to class and I saw this guy watching GMM on his laptop and Rhett seemed to resemble my fav teacher so much I had to find out what show it was! I'm so glad I did though. I've been watching their videos everyday since!

Ghost ride the farm equipment was my jam!

I wanted to know how the tupac hologram worked and i look it up on youtube... i saw their video

I was browsing through youtube, trying to learn something new, and then I found them in GMM. I became a fan ever since.


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