
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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Wow. Been a komm member a long time, but forgot I had joined!
I found Rhett and Link through Julian Smith. I watched his stuff like crazy and hit the Waffles episode. I knew beyond the shadow of doubt that those two were southern. It was the way Link pronounced his long i sound. I knew by that that they were also from either North Carolina, north Georgia or Tennessee (my own home state). I had to find them! My husband and I watch them all the time and love their gently twisted humor (wellllll, maybe more like kindred lunacy.)

Salutations, y'all!

The "Will it Cereal?" episode was recommended to me by Youtube - I watched it and then binged on on every episode before that

I was just chillen with my friends and they were like hey you wanna watch some good mythical morning and I was like ya ok. Now its a part of my daily routine.

I was at my friend's house and she started singing I'm on vacation and I searched it on YouTube when I got home.

A long time ago my baby-stitter (Im too old for one now) showed me the Rhett and Link music video OCD. I soon watched all their music videos, but it took me another year to find GMM. Ive watched about 200 GMMs by now, and I own a limited time "OH MY FLAVORS" T-Shirt!!!

I found them about three years ago or so when I stumbled across the Mythical Show. Truth be told, I thought their humor was a little strange at the time lol. My opinion changed drastically when I rediscovered them a few months later through GMM and all their skits. Could. Not. Stop. Watching.

The first Rhett and Link video i ever saw was Nerd vs. Geek and my first thought was..."this is so dumb." and i went quite awhile not knowing or caring who they were, but then i saw the GMM theydid with Smosh and i thought it was hilarious and so the went back and watched basically all there videos and fell in love.

I found them thanks to their Nerd VS Geek rap battle and I got the worst thinkable first impression possible of them.

I saw my brother watching Good Mythical Morning, so I decided to check it out. I've been obsessed ever since.

I first saw them on the Waffles video by Julian Smith. Then a few years later I found the will it deep fry video and every since then I've been hooked.

I was browsing through some YouTube videos and then I saw a GMM video about celebrities buying ridiculously expensive items and yeah. It caught my interest, and here I am .

My friend and I where on you tube and she introduced me to one of their episodes and I fell in love with their channel. After I started to watch their channel I advertised them to all of my friends. I am so glad that I am able to watch GMM every morning they make me laugh so hard.


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