
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I was randomly looking up hot pepper videos and saw the good mythical morning challenge. From there i watched there videos and loved them so much. I am so happy i found them because when watching their videos i can't help but smile. :) 

I was scrolling through YouTube and ran across Rhett and Link's original YouTube page then checked out Good mythical morning. Then automatically got hooked on it. It's embarrassing to say I watch them morning noon and night because they're so funny! They make me smile and happy when I'm down.
I was a big fan of stampylongnos and heard he was on an ear biscuit, so I listened to it, but never knew they had a YouTube channel. A few months later, my friend told me to go watch "I'm on vacation", yet somehow I still didn't realize that they were the same guys from the podcast. I was later told by the same friend about GMM, and started watching it about 2 months ago. So glad I found them, and gmm.

on a commercial

My boyfriend was looking for Thanksgiving themed shows on YouTube and we ran across Rettandlink and we're hooked!

I actually found them via TheFineBros. I remember watching a Youtubers React video that featured them and I kept thinking that they were so funny, stil I never started to check them out. But then a few months ago I finally decided to do so and I've been loving them insanely ever since! Thank you FineBros!

I found Rhett and Link by a friend, Jillian, who showed me the "Rub Some Bacon On It" music video. I was like, "What the heck are they doing?" and then I looked more into them and I was like, "Huh. I have to subscribe." Then I clicked and then my phone blew up with new video notifications. I was like, "WHOOOOOOOAAAAAA!" then it finally stopped. XD I was like, "Daaaaaang, they're morning people." Then I was completely in love with them.

Thank you Rhett and Link for making your channels. I luff them.

A few years ago, my friend suggested watching Rhett and Link. I went home, watched one video, and have watched all of them ever since! :-) :-)

My husband found them by accident on YouTube. He got the kids interested in them and then I finally started watching. I Love GMM!!!!!

I saw the Butt Drugs commercial on Ellen's Youtube, and all the comments were about Rhett and Link!

I cant remember the exact episode maybe it was a Good Morning Chia Lincoln, then I guess I just saw GMM, the earliest I can remember is The Ghost Pepper Challenge. But they've brought me closer to my friends, made me smarter, and make me happy so if you guys are seeing this, keep doing what you're doing! :)

I was on youtube watching eating challenges then I saw a guy eating a scporpion I clicked it and watched it I liked them and became a mythical beast!!!


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