
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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An episode of GMM popped up as a recommended video while I was watching some other YT-videos and I thought it looked interesting. I'm so glad I watched it 'cause I loved the show right away! I don't watch a lot of YT-videos but I watch every single episode of GMM and GMMore. :D

I saw them for the first time probably two or three years ago. Their video just showed up as a suggestion on YouTube. Back then, i had been watching their videos casually. Then I forgot about them because I didn't watch YouTube at all for a few months ( I didn't have too much time and I couldn't find anything interesting for me there ). But then, I think that it was February or March this year, I was watching some funny challenges, when I saw "Upside-down glasses challenge". I clicked on it and watched the entire video. I thought to myself "Hmm, I recognise these guys from somewhere". Then I recalled where I knew them from, watched some other videos of them and from April, I've been watching every single GMM and GMMore. They just became a part of my daily routine.

My friend talked about it.

i think i found rhett and link through youtube suggestions lol probably by watching vsauce / thoughty2 / ??? but i'm sooooooo glad i found them!!!! i binge watch whenever i'm feeling sad so thanks gmm!!!!!

My boyfriend showed and then I binged watched their episodes of GMM for a couple of weeks after work. Now I am caught up and can't get enough. It gives great conversation topics and can actually teach you something unlike some other channels on YouTube.

I think i found them from looking up Mindchop and Toughty2 and one of the video's i found that night was Good Mythical Morning and i started watching them and then i followed the Good Mythical Morning page on Facebook and Youtube and then I followed the RhettandLink page on Youtube

Found them this year by using the recommendated search phrase on yotube.

I met a really cute girl who talked about it all the time and made all kinds of references to good mythical morning. I knew nothing about it, but being smart I decided that it would be wise to make myself look cool. So I went to her apartment and pretended I knew about them (even though I didn't). First episode I ever watched was "will it taco" I laughed with her the hole way through. While sadly there was never a romantic connection with this girl, she has become one of my best friends and I wouldn't change it for anything. I kept watching videos and eventually found out about this community and here I am becoming a mythical beast. 

Hello eyeryone! I'm new to the Rhett and Link universe but I've really been enjoying binge watching all of their stuff. My bf introduced me to their Netflix channel and the first couple episodes I actually really didn't like but as I watched more I found a lot of great stuff to make me laugh and keep me from dying of boredom! I really like the challenge and field trip episodes of GMM best. Any suggestions of best episodes to watch? I've gone through most of the recent seasons of GMM but not as much of the early ones. 

my sister showed me a episode of GMM aaaand I hooked.

my friends introduced me to them, i thought they were pretty cool, but then stopped watching them. i kinda got back into watching them towards the end of the 7th season ( ik im sorry for being late ) ; and started watching them every day when Season 8 launched.

I discovered Good Mythical Morning about a year and a half ago, while  skimming YouTube, and here I am now binge watching all the episodes to catch up.


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