
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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One of my art teachers showed the class "My  hair song" and my interest grew. Now I'm doing a binge of all episodes of GMM. The first time I saw them was in the fifth grade.

Hey :) I chose two of my favourite animals (panda and dog) and thought of a mythical one (unicorn/pegesus or whatever you spell it) so I became Flying Pandog. What are your favourite animals? This will help :D
I absolutely love these two! I was introduced to them by my boyfriend. Before GMM I wasn't really into you tube. .now, because of Rhett and Link I'm hooked!

Hi! I watched a random video of theirs on YouTube sometime last summer (2014), and another one prob sometime in Jan or Feb of this year (2015), just browsing around the web for something different to watch. I also don't remember which ones I watched (and I'm not sure how to tell which ones they were), but I found them really funny! I'm also not much of youtuber so I didn't think much of it when I first saw it. Then, after a few month, this past August to be exact, I was thinking one day (& bored again), 'Hm. What that funny video I watched a while back w/ the 2 guys in it?' and luckily, somehow, I FOUND THEM!! And then I started watching their videos on a more daily or every other day basis. Then, I moved to a new city just a few weeks ago, and in between school and work, I have been almost binge-watching a bunch of episodes per day, subscribed to everything, while keeping up with current videos/activities! I love it! I don't regret it! They really do make my days & nights so much better and I'm happy just to have something make me laugh every day!

My son, who was 9 at the time, showed me some music videos and the "will it" episodes. I was immediately hooked and got my friend hooked as well. So happy he introduced me to them. They make my day and when I'm having a bad day all I have to do is watch an episode or music video and my day perks up"

i was searching  Youtube, , when i  stumbled across the opening bottles episode. and that is how i found y'all.

One of my best friends introduced me to GMM a year or two back, but I'd seen their work before.

CLOWWWNNNN SSHAAAARRRK!! Believe it, they do exist! 

My first Rhett & Link experience was the Hair Song on YouTube my junior year of high school (2012). I fell in love and watched all their videos and got started on GMM. Now I watch every morning!

I found Rhett and Link while listening to Disney songs on YouTube and their "How to dance to attract girls" episode popped up on the "what to watch next" section. I was instantly hooked and stayed up until about 5 in the morning laughing with my sister watching them and after watching all of season 4 and 5, I became an every day loyal viewer.

I found them through a friend, then I was hooked!


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