
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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My youngest son was watching them on YouTube when I walked into the living room. I sat down to check out their crazy talk show...GMM. We've been hooked ever since. Now many of patients are watching GMM too!

Its been about 2 years now since I found these guys... Happened to happen upon them while I was strolling through Youtube, and thought, hey, they look fresh..... One episode. Hooked. Had to go back and work my way through the plethora of videos, skits and sketches before I moved forward. Gave me a lot of insight into how good these guys really are. The content never fails to please me, and their personality and presence behind the camera always gets me smiling and laughing. I was more than pleased to add them to my daily before-work routine, they are by far (IMO) the best Internetainers I know, and they definitely deserve that Streamy this year! 

One of my friend showed me the Will It Popsicle went home and just kept on watching

That's really wierd....... I have absolutely no recollection whatsoever how I found the guys. It's very possible it was serendippity and I stumbled across them by way of a youtube suggestion a few months ago from something else I was watching. It was a Good Mythical Morning episode though and Link ended up barfing in his bucket. I thought this was hilarious and before I knew it I'd watched a few episodes in a row. I was so engrossed that I hadn't realised my wife had been standing behind me watching the episodes too and she ended up hooked on them as well.It was a couple of weeks of never ending GMM watching before we discovered they had a lot of "other" material which set us off on a far bigger Rhett and Link marathon. Long may they continue. (Even now we're "STILL" finding more of their stuff.) LOL

One time (close to Halloween) My friend came over and was like "OMG YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO." It was one of their Halloween videos talking about scary stories from a year or two. So we sat in a dark room and watched it together. Honestly I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life.  I still watch that video every single Halloween. After she ledt I explored their channel even more and I ended up watching them everyday since then.

I first found their songs on Youtube (which are gold!). Then I got hooked on GMM and have been watching it ever since. Been making me laugh for over two years now.   :)

The first time I became aware of Rhett and Link's internet presence was sometime in 2014, when I saw their Nerd vs. Geek rap battle. I have never heard of them before, nor did I know they played the Wright brothers in one of the ERBs. I didn't have a pallet for their comedy at the time so I thought it was just okay. After that I decided to watch their OCD song, which I was not prepared for, so sadly I actually got creeped out and I stayed away from them for a while.

Fastforwarding to now I really thought they looked cool as Leonardo and Donatello so I decided to watch something from their channel again. The first episode I clicked on was the one where Link for a bee beard, then one thing lead to another and I got hooked on GMM. I loved how goofy they can be while managing to be insightful at the same time. It's impressive how they keep their talks clean since swearing is a pet peeve of mine. I also noticed how greatly involved they are with their followers, which really contrasts with the negative impressions other youtubers have left me. I love how they seem to have an innate ability for storytelling. Also, Rhett and Link are quite the dynamic duo, they are good looking and magnetic. The way they interact with each other makes you want to have the same thing. They seem to be the type of guys who are all around interesting, so it's natural to be drawn to them.

Wow. I wrote a lot. I'm just so happy to have found youtubers who are worth following! I thought I had lost faith in youtube a long time ago when vlogs for popular...
So far, I finished season 1 last week, so I'm slowly catching up.
I just recently started watching GMM at the end of season 7. Actually started watching because the "will it?" Episodes. I've since watched nearly all the back episodes and am all caught up! It's like when you catch up on Netflix... Bittersweet because you have to wait sometimes a whole weekend for a new episode haha. I have watched the speech jammer videos a number of times. I think a revisit is in order!

I don't really know how I found them exactley... I just remember watching them a little bit a year or two ago, but have never watched them since.. But then a WHILE ago, I finally got my mom to watch an episode while we were browing the tv on the Roku, and me and her have been watching basically every day ever since!

I had seen Rhett and link several times before i had actually discovered them-- I don't watch too much YouTube however, so it took a few tries before I actually started to appreciate how stellar of "internetainers" they were.
The first two times were the times they appeared on Epic Rap battles of history (my little brothers like them) and when they appeared on one of Matthew Santoro's videos. I didn't think much of them then.
The next time was when I was doing some freelance research on plants (I love plants haha) and saw their scariest plants video. I thought they were pretty funny but didn't delve into their channel any further. Then much, much later, about three weeks ago I think?? I was doing more freelance research, this time on psychology. Their hypnosis video popped up and I recognized them as the two guys from the plant video so I watched it. It was hysterical! Since that video I have been binge watching GMM and I feel absolutely disgusted with the amount of YouTube I have been watching for the past month because of their amazing videos XD

I found them right after my grandfather died, I was looking for something on youtube to cheer myself up and stumbled across "My Hair Goes Up." and I have been loyal to them ever since. They really got me through a dark time. :)


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