
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I found it in one of my recommended videos but I started watching it when my friends suggested it.



I found Rhett and Link through my little brother. He watched them non stop for about a week and I over heard some of the episodes. At first I thought it was the stupidest dumbest thing ever. I thought, because it had mythical in it, that it would be all about like magical mythical things that I honestly find weird. But then I watched an episode, The Carolina Reaper one, and I died laughing. Soon I watched more and more and more. I soon became addicted. I have missed many years of videos they put up and in 6 months I have nearly caught up. I havent been a mythical beast for long but I am a proud mythical beast!!!


I saw the "6 Unbelievable Body Modifications" video while eating Flamin' Hot Cheetos and drinking Motts Apple Juice out of the jug and I watched it on my mom's iPad. And then I re-watched every episode of GMM.

I was really into optical illusions one day, and decided to look up on YouTube, optical illusion videos, and one episode of Good Mythical Morning was the first result, and have been watching ever since

I was like checking on YouTube and jump into the first GMM video, after that I was totally addicted to it. I appreciate their friendship and all videos, they rock
My girlfriend and i are in a long distance relationship and she came to stay for a month. One day while she was here she was watching one of the "will it?" Episodes and i've been hooked since. I've now watched seasons 1 through 4 off gmm and the mythical show. Plus i subscribe and watch new episodes everyday.

i have ocd so naturally i was intrigued by the "my ocd" song

I found them in their Christmas break 2013, can't remember how. When I first started to watch their previous content, I figured that I had seen their NeverWet video before (I was really into seeing how NeverWet rejects stuff) :)

Well, I've got a younger brother who has a propensity for watching a lot of different YouTubers. A couple of weeks ago, I was walking through the living room while he was watching Rhett and Link, and something caught my ear. I had never heard of them before, nor had I ever really watched anything similar. Anyway, I forgot what I was doing and ended up watching Good Mythical Morning for well over an hour. I've been hooked ever since, and I've been going through all the episodes of GMM starting from Season 1. I'm halfway into Season 2 now.


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