
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I don't remember how I found them, unfortunately. I do know that I found them myself one day while browsing YouTube!

Looking on YouTube, finding them, and thinking they were funny.
I found them by watching Julian Smith's video "Waffles"
I found them in July. I was watching YouTube and came across their best optical illusions video and I watched more of their videos that I found on related videos and I loved them! So then I subscribed and now I'm a mythical beast so yay!
I found them about a month ago while watching Buzzfeed videos. Since then, I have been hooked. I find a lot of my weird personality in link.

I was trying youtube and I found the facebook song, since then I watch Rhettandlink, many years ago

Rub some bacon on it
About a year ago one of the videos was suggested to me

I found Rhett and Link in the early stages of my depression. Although I struggle heavily with mental problems, Rhett and Link give my a chance to smile and laugh when I myself have a hard time doing that. I was around 12, an it was just me. Then, my little brother got into it when I was 14, at 15 my whole family loved it! My parents relate because they understand references to childhood and genuinely think their hilarious! Rhett and Link honestly give me something to do with my family.

I just saw it in a recommended video so i watched it and i was hooked

I found them by Watching an episode of Youtubers React. I thought they looked interesting so I gave them a chance and I don't regret it

i found rhett and link kinda on accident  i the first videos i saw of them i think was a will it episode. i saw thre picture so i clicked it and rhett and link were doing it i was like " oh ive heard about hthis show" so after that i got attached to this and now i watch t reguraly



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