
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I was annoyed at the noise coming out of the TV so I entered the "kidzone" to tell them to turn it down and well.... 2 hours and a Rhett and Link marathon later, I am now a proud mythical beast <3
I have 6 kids and all of the Whats in the Bible videos. We thought the Bentley Bros songs were genius. I'm not sure when/how we discovered that "the Bentley Bro's" are actually Rhett and Link. But we looked them up on YouTube and have becomed hooked over the summer.

That's exactly how it happened with us!!

I was on a coach going home from a day trip in London. I was trying to go to sleep but I remember hearing two of my friends talking about them and I love them now (rhett and link) thank you noisy friends

Found them by accident. I was searching for another video when Good Mythical Morning popped up. I injoyed it and have watched Rhett and Link daily. However it has only been a few months since then.
Was trying to find something to watch on YouTube that was funny and I found them watched there show and got hooked on them they are like a addiction once you start you cant stop
My brother was watching them and I actually thought he was watching a news broadcast but it turned out to be pretty funny so I watched with him. I have watched them from that day.

I originally found Rhett and Link when they talked about Bezow Doo-Doo Zopitty-bop-bop-bop. The guy from Wisconsin who got arrested. I then was interested in their videos, and later showed my friends, and showed my teacher at school for when we have free time we watch their videos. I just introduced my girlfriend to Rhett and Link, and she thinks that they are funny.

i found them last year when i was randomly flitting through YouTube... clicked on a link to video that was about them opening bottles without a bottle opener. ahahah never checked out. i've watched almost all their videos ever since

 I was watching Studio C and this was a related channel. I clicked on it, then I got hooked. Also, I saw them in Jeffery Dallas's waffle video.

I was watching vlogbrothers and they Rhett and Link sang a song biscuit for them

I saw an episode of GMM in my recommendation box, and the next day I started my mornings with GMM :D


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