
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I meant watching

my cousin showed me

I think I had seen a few of their videos but never really "explored" all their channels until I saw them on a Fine Bros video and thought they were hilarious so I watched most of their main channel video's and then found GMM and now I am obsessed!

One day me and my classmates in PHS Prep were shown a video of Rhett & Link singing "I'm On Vacation" since for some reason it had something to do with learning about Credit Card fraud. Ever since I got hooked on everything Rhett & Link.

After watching Wright Bros. vs Mario Bros.

I remember reading the comments and everybody was saying things like "OMG, Rhett and Link!" so I looked for them :3 and I'm not sure what was the first video I saw but I think It was "Never wet your pants" and I liked it :D

I was contemplating the thought processes of other people relative to mine, and the difference between the thought trains of different groups of people, so I asked one of my best friends how he thinks, and how he thinks he thinks relative to his gender. He sent me a link (ha, link) to the 'I am a Thoughtful Guy' video. I immediately began watching Rhett&Link's other songs, which led me to GoodMythicalMorning. Not a day has elapsed when I haven't watched at least one of their videos. :)

I found them through Chuck Testa... I then watched them from GMM and enjoyed it. Can't wait for August 10th

I found Rhett and Link by searching for hot chili pepper challenges

My husband introduced me to them. I am a changed woman.

I was watching colorblind test videos, and i found their GMM and continued to watch because i loved them!

I honestly can't tell you but I found them one day I was on YouTube and I had went on my channel and someone said on my vids Go check out Good Mythical Morning and I usually don't like advertising on my channel but well I went there and well I love there channel so yeah that's how it all begin!!!
I honestly don't remember how i found them. I was searching YouTube for some videos to kill my boredom and found one of theirs. I scrolled benieth it and found out they had hundreds of other videos.


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