
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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Rhett and Link entered into a TurboTax rap video contest that a person I subscribed to (goremy) was also in.R&L got second and I watches their video and subscribed. That was the beginning of my mythical transformation.
I have no idea but im a gmm addict now and ill never quit

I was aware of them because my cousins (who I often watched YouTube with) were fans of Julian Smith, and I ended up somehow coming across their Perfect Bathroom Trip video. That, and the fact that Wheezywaiter (who I was subscribed to) was participating in the 2010 SuperNote (which he won!), and I ended up watching some of their videos related to that.

What actually prompted me to subscribe, though, was when Wheezywaiter linked to the their first Superhero & Sidekick episode (which he was in). It really matched up with my taste in comedy, and by this point I thought they were pretty interesting, so I watched a few more of their videos. Evidently I was sufficiently impressed, because I subscribed to them then (Jan. 2011) and I've never looked back! :)

Me and my best friend who sadly just moved to California were just on YouTube when he searched gmm accidentally by holding his phone weird and we subscribed and never stopped watching
I am a huge MDK/Harto fan and watched the GMM featuring Hannah Hart. It all snowballed from there.

Stumbled upon a video of theirs a few years ago. I was hooked ever since.

I found Rhett and Link around season 3, went back and watched season 1 & 2, and have been keeping up since.

I think the first show I saw was the 'dating tips' with Link.

I found Rhett and Link when I was watching Buzzfeed and I saw one of their videos and clicked on it by accident. 1 year still going! 

Surfing You Tube, my grand daughter watches Toby Turner hes just too hyper for me. Rhett and Link did a colab with them and I just got hooked and could not stop watching. They remind me so much  of me and my best friends growing up how could I pass this up! I need a good laugh every day I can as I am a Gold Star Mother my only daughter died by suicide and Im raising my grand daughter now. Thanks for making my days more fun!!

I found rhett and link when late at night I found myself bored, and randomly thought to search on YouTube the craziest selfies on the internet. I found the video the 26 craziest selfies on the internet. Therefore, I kept watching their videos, and not long after that, I became a fan of their videos. I can now truly say I am a mythical beast. Whenever I get bored, or don't have anything to do, I watch GMM.  I would also like to say,  THEY ARE a part of my daily routine now.

I found Rhett and link through meh cousin, he showed me an episode and I was hooked and since then I have been a gmm freak!
I was watching random Tobuscus Vids when Rhett and links will it shoe came up and said suggested for you so I watched it and laughed like so much.So I thought to keep watch thing and my love for them even got to my friends as well.


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