
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I found Rhett and Link about seven years ago, when i was eight years old. We watched the sham wow commercial and we saw that there was a song that was about shamwows,which they had made recently at the time. So my family and I watched that video and countless more. And now today I still watch them.

I had a bad day and I googled "funny people and videos" after several "top twenty funniest" vids GMM came up as a suggested for you video. I love it!!

My best friend actually introduced me to Rhett and Link about 2 years ago now! I was immediately hooked. Those two have certainly made my life a delight! Can't wait for GMM to return!

I found them in March, my friend showed me the Blind Bird Challenge episode and we spent the rest of the day watching most of the food-related ones.

My neighbor as watching the "will it donut" episode, and I thought it was a video game so I googled it thinking I could play the game, and then I became addicted
'Twas a completely random search on you tube - I have no real idea. I watched a few and was hooked. I check in most days for at least one episode...maybe three or more ☺️! Their antics have become a guilty pleasure as has seeing Link dry heave so much in the taste/smell games.

After watching several of the Buzzfeed taste test videos YouTube suggested me the 'Will it' series - Was at home sick for a week at the time and spent the most of that week becoming hooked on GMM!

I found Rhett and Link through GMM. I saw one of the "Will it...?" episodes and I've been hooked ever since.

I found them when my friend Mary showed me two of their songs. I loved the songs and videos, and looked them up when I got home. It has been the thing I go to when I need calming down, or just a good laugh.

My friend was singing some of their songs, so I went on YouTube and subscribed to their channels. Now I watch them whenever possible...

My friend showed me and I saw them In a Youtubers React video

I was surfing around youtube some time back and clicked a random video that looked interesting and I've been a fan ever since!


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