
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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It was one of "those channels" the one where everybody jut knew about it, I noticed it was on my Recommended on Youtube and I gave it a shot; I've been a Mythical Beast ever since. (That was about 2 years ago now.)  

My best friend showed me the water taste test and I showed my family. After that, I continued watching they're show!

 In 2009, my sister showed me their tribute to reading rainbow. I was 8. Since then, I've been watching their show.

I found it on the related video's, been addicted ever since.  

I found them by chance when I walked away from the PC to make Hot chocolate and left it on auto-play never looked back. I think it was Will it Hot Pocket :) I am planning to slowly work my way through watching all seasons and podcasts.

I found them under recommended videos with "Will It Taco?"

*looking on youtube* oh this video might be coooool *clicks* omg i need more * watches and watches and watches *

I found out about GMM through a girl at my school.

my sister showed me

I was watching buzzfeed videos about fastfood and in the recommended videos there was a cute guy with glasses and a huge burger, it was titled 'Fast food secret menus'. I've been absolutely hooked since then. The reason I still know this, is because I found them and this great kommunity only about a month ago.

Now I'm a mythical beast for life! <3

Youtube reccomendation, they know me well

Was watching something on youtube, can't remember what but I saw one of their videos in the suggestion list so yeah... clicking that video was the best decision of my life haha :)


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