
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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my friend showed me the gmm episode "unisex bathroom experinece" and i laughed the entire time. i have been watching gmm and their music videos for 3 years now and it is always the best part of my day

Two months ago i watched YouTube Rewind 2014 and i saw rhett and link and i thought: Hmm i know these two :D
So i found them on YT and i started watching ...NOW I'M ADDICTED!!!!!!!! Gosh i feel obsessd hahah <3

Three of my friends and I were having a sleepover in October of 2014 and my friend showed us all an episode of GMM. We all watched occasionally after that. Over Christmas vacation I watched more videos and started watching GMM daily. Now I'm doing the thing where you watch all the old stuff... you could say i'm still finding Rhett and Link.

I found them by watching science videos on youtube. Weird right? I watched one episode and I was Hooked.

I was watching another YouTuber and one of their videos was in the Suggested box. I thought it looked cool so I watched it. I thought it was a perfect mix of comedy and info (it was an episode like how to start the hiccups or something like that) and once I got into their more comedy-based videos, I was hooked.

I had just found them like a week ago from the ghost pepper video and ever since probably watch well over 20 videos a day. I have no life xD but time well worth spent

I found them by lots of luck, but I'm glad I did! :D

I was talking to this guy online and he said 'good mythical morning'. At the time I knew nothing of them and just took it as a way of saying good morning. Then I happened to show a different friend the conversation and she said something like "isn't that like a utube show or something?" so I looked it up, and found my favourite youtube channel! :)

I found them in 2013 because I was looking up what the hottest pepper was, then Google said that it was the Carolina reaper, so I looked up eating the Carolina reaper on YouTube, they popped up, I watched the video, and immediately I fell in love with their wonderful channel that goes by the name of; Good Mythical Morning. :D

I was watching youtube videos and i found the play doh video and i decided to watch it. i diddnt watch thier videos that often then but one day friend was over and he started watching Good Mythical morning so I started watching it and i have been watching it ever since

One day my youth pastor at church showed the Thats my OCD song at youth group on Wednesday, and when I got home I looked it up on Youtube and kept on clicking on different videos and ended up subscribing to every one of their channels!

I've been active on youtube since probably 2007, so I always knew of Rhett & Link because they are such a staple of the youtube community. I know I had seen a few of their "viral" videos, like dope zebra and some other music videos, and I remember hearing about them (but not watching them for some reason) during the first two super notes. It wasn't until maybe Januaryish of this year that I really got into them, through watching the Dan Radcliffe gmm. Now I love what they do, and I've been working on watching all the years of content I missed!

My friend recommended one of their videos, then I got addicted to GMM. I watch their videos all the time.


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