
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I found them because of the Kids React to Rhett and Link episode that The Fine Bros created. That led me to the GMM of them reacting to that video and I've watched their videos ever since!

I discovered them when watching a Julian smith video I think it was id rather eat randy and when I looked it the comments I saw tons of people seeing they saw Rhett and link in the video I was curious about who they were and I've been watching ever since.

First time i found GMM is when my sister looking up about OCD test on YT.. We watched and my sister was pissed because it has nothing to do with an actual OCD test. lol..
Around 1 or 2 years later, I was talking about hot chilli peppers and found a video of GMM eating ghost chili pepper. After watching that i was immediately hooked and watch GMM everyday, now i'm back watching the earliest episodes.. :D

I don't remember exactly, but it was at the beginning of the school year and I believe the OCD song was suggested for me on youtube so I found their main channel that lead me to GMM

sometime i october or november of last year my friend mentioned it and i thought to myself "two guys staring at the camera and talking about nothing? sounds terrible. :|" but decided to give it a shot anyway and before the first episode i watched was over i was hooked and had subscribed. 

I don't rember how I found them, but I have become a big fan like over night. My husband thinks I obsess about them because I try sharing the videos every day.
I do remember though that my 2 year old daughter loved their "It's Thursday" song and how she started to dance while they sang. I started following them on YouTube, then FB,then Intagram, then Twitter, and get this: I don't have any friends on SnapChat but I became a member and downloaded the app just to see them preform. I guess I am a bit obsessed, but I told my husband "I am one of 1 Thousand or more fans so I don't think I am crazy for liking such a comical show.
Then when they spoke of Clearly Canadian I was star struck, I grew up drinking it in GA and have good memories of it, too. I however can't justify buying a case if the bills aren't paid.
I am a fan of both Rhett and Link and I respect their wives and wonder what they must be thinking of the spot light. I for one have a hard time sharing the love of my life, I guess because once you find true love you don't want anything or anyone challenging that. Ok I think I said enough!


so it was 2012(13? i forgot) and i was OBSESSED with erb and i thought i was about to watch one of erb's video (y'know bc it has the word "rap battle" in it) but it turned out to be rhett vs link rap battle, and i was like "lol who are these guys" and i clicked away (boy was it a BIG mistake).

i found them again back at the end of 2014 from youtubers react and i tried watching one of their vid (it was the one with link making sounds with his mouth and rhett getting annoyed) and i laughed until i peed my pants, and i haven't stopped watching them since!

in grade 3. (im 10) so when i was eight i was into optical illusions, Rhett and link posted a video for optical illusions (the one from season 3)i only watched that video from them. but in grade 5 (this year) i found them by watching a video and there was a recommendation for a GMM vid. so i click on it and said "Lets get it over with." and then im just like "These guys looks familiar.." then i realized these were the guys from the optical illusion video! then i subscribed to them. that's how i found Rhett and link

I was just scrolling down on YouTube , and I saw a pic of a roll of bubblegum with a huge bite taken out of it. The video was titled " Do you have OCD?" So I clicked on it because the picture of the gum intrigued me. I watched it thinking, " I had never seen anything like this on YouTube before, and this is kinda cool." So I just kept watching their videos until i was hooked, so now its apart of my daily routine. ( Without that picture of gum I don't think I would've ever clicked on that video and discovered GMM.)  :D

My friend was into rap battles and recommended I watch theit epic rap battle. That was my first video and ever since I loved them.

I was watching T.V. one day, they were going through a list of the funniest commercials and the butt drugs commercial came on. It was so funny I looked it up online and began to watch others. That's when in my suggestions showed GMM, so i watch one. That night I didn't go to bed until 3:oo am.

I was doing English homework and had to watch this video on Youtube about liars and answer the questions. After that I noticed Rhett and Link's "8 ways to spot a liar" on the side, thought it would be interesting and I laughed sooooo hard while watching it and yep now I'm trying to watch all of their videos


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