
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I'be been a fan for so long, I only wish I would've joined the Komminity back when I discovered them. I take for ever to do anything ;D

When a couple years ago I started really watching YouTube videos instead of just looking up the viral ones people would talk about and I had actually watched a lot of GMM, but a months ago I was at lunch with two of my most musically talented friends. They started singing the most random song, a very common practice between us, but it was a song I had never heard. To be exact I believe the lyrics were "www.unclerogersfoodblog.com" and "I'm basking in burrito sunshine. I'm basking in the beans of light".  Now at the time I had no idea what they were talking about because I took a break from YouTUbe for a while to focus on other things but, I decided to watch a random video one day. That video ended up being one suggested to me from YouTube which was Will It Popsicle?. It looked interesting enough just from the title so I click and enjoyed. Little did I remember the Good Mythical Morning was a show I loved from a few years back hosted by my pals Rhett and Link. A little while after that I found the burrito song and I was so happy that I could understand what my two other friends were talking about. I told one of my friends and we were both so happy to know that we could be Mythical Beasts together and talk about our favorite episodes.

I just was wandering on the Youtube one day, and I saw "Good Mythical Morning". I thought "Hey, why not? Let's see what they have." I can't even remember what the first video I saw was, I just got sucked into it.

I watch good mythical morning everyday and I fell in love with this show

I found them watching most shocking toys of all time after that they kept coming up on things you might like and that is how I found them

I found Rhett and link through YouTube and I watch them everyday

I was on YouTube and just happened to stumble on a "will it" episode. I watched a few and then just forgot about it. A few months later I was bored and I remembered watching the videos so I found the channel and started watching a bunch of them. Now I watch a bunch of episodes every day and  its my  goal to watch all (and i mean ALL) episodes of GMM ( I watch the new episodes every day, ive watched season 6 and 5 and just started on 4) and the mythical show and... all their videos(including music)! I'm really happy I found them  :)

My brother showed me the music video "two men and 600 pillows". After that I searched through the suggestions and found "photo shop memories" and later I found they had a show and I started watching daily.

I fell asleep listening to Top Ten lists on my laptop every night, and soon I noticed that every morning I heard a deep voice say "Gooood mythical morning!"  The show that followed sounded pleasant, unlike the often disturbing lists I half heard in my sleep. I started opening my eyes each morning to watch the show, and then one day I clicked on "Four year old walks into a bar." That was adorable, and I've been hooked ever since.

Was searching for MRE videos on youtube, and found Rhett and Link's one. Became a Mythical Beast ever since.

i found Rhett and link because my friend was over and we were watching youtube videos he said you need to see this and it was one of you videos

i found them one day when i was looking for something funny to watch on youtube


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