
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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A friend of my fam showed Us a caption fail and then 2 years later I went back and started watching their videos

I find them by Youtubers react to :)

I was watching some other video on youtube and in the suggested videos I saw the 4 cases of real time travel. I watched and have been hooked ever since!

After they were on Grace Helbeigs podcast I saw a suggested video 'Will it Pizza?' Now I am 100% hooked!!!

About 4 or 5 years ago at Youth Camp, they showed this video called Perfect Bathroom Trip... I was like "This is the weirdest, funniest thing I've ever seen!"... when I went home, I started watching more of Rhett and Link's videos. I was surprised and relieved at how clean but hilarious their humor is! And just like that, I was hooked!

I found them on March 16, 2015. I was YouTube surfing once I seen the thumbnail and the title of, "Weird people at the Farmer's Market." I thought, (Since I am a weird person) I have got to watch this. So I did. I loved it! They were hilarious, (and link was really cute :) ) I started watching all of the seasons and I loved them more and more.

I'm lucky I guess... Don't remember when but happy that I didn't forget... When I moved to Amsterdam to study around 2012/13 don't have a tv youtube is my best friend ;)
could be linked to Epic Rap Battle, you-tubers react, or searching one of those topics they talked about glad to finally be part of this kommunity 

The first time I ever saw one of their videos was because GMM was in my recommended videos I believe. It took me a while to give in and click on it because it didn't seem like something that I would be interested in. The name was too intriguing so one day I decided to watch it and oh boy did they not make a good 1st impression on me lol... At the end of that GMM they imitated cats, it was extremely weird without knowing what the Wheel was but it did make me laugh a little... So, I didn't come back to GMM until a couple of months or so later when I had no idea what to do or watch on YouTube. Some of the GMM were pretty funny so they started to grow on me but I'd just watch it from time to time. I didn't become a fan of R&L until recently when I started looking into all the big YouTube channels and I became aware of their work on their first channel. I love original songs that are clever/funny so it was definitely right up my alley. (The BBQ song is one of my favorites). After watching Rhett & Link videos for hundreds of minutes I had to come to term with the fact that I have involuntary become a mythical beast, a Dracaw.

Found you guys from the Taco Bell song. And now my boys can't have enough of you two. Love you all for making us laugh.

My sister was searching for something to watch on YouTube, she stumbled across the GMM about OCD where they referenced the My OCD video, one suggested video led to another and now we are working our way backwards through every GMM (and GMMore) just to be sure that we haven't missed anything.

me and my cousins were messing around on YouTube about two years ago and found good mythical morning and ever since i have been hooked on Rhett and links videos.

I originally found them a few years ago (I think it was 2010). I was watching Julian Smith videos when I came across the "Perfect Bathroom Trip Song". I thought the two guys in the video were super funny, but for some reason, I didn't look them up further at the time (although I do have this vague memory of seeing "Dope Zebra", so I guess I must've looked them up somewhat further...). A couple years later, in (I think) 2013, my mom saw "Yo Mama So" on Facebook and showed it to me. I thought it was hilarious - we both did. So much so that my mom showed it to our early morning bible study class (which she taught) after class was over. :) Through that video, we found the "Fast Food Folk Song" video, which we also found hilarious and clever. But still, for some odd reason, I didn't look them up further. Well, that is, until a few weeks ago. I noticed that one of my favorite WattPad authors was following Rhett and Link on twitter. I recognized them as the yo mama rap/bathroom trip/taco bell guys from YouTube, and I was like, 'hey, I should look those guys up again!', which led me to "My OCD". Well, needless to say, here I am on their kommunity signing up xD I've been watching GMM religiously since that day I finally looked them up again. I'm so glad I did! They're the best YouTubers in the world! My little sister loves them, too, so I'll be inviting her to the kommunity once I'm finished writing this. Then we'll go back to our projector upstairs and continue marathoning GMMs we haven't seen. xD Rhett & Link are da bomb!!!! c;


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