
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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My sister showed me Rhett and Link but i wasn't into YouTube as much as i am now. A few years later my new friend Eli told me to watch a video of theirs and i remembered and Loved it.

i watched their 4th  episode on the day it came out on youtube

I found them via youtube, nothing really intressting  about it sorry

Well, I sort of found them on my own really. I had always heard of them, from youtubers react, youtube rewind, etc. but never watched any of their videos. I was bored a few days ago so I clicked on one of their Good Mythical Morning videos and I was hooked! I watched them all day, and the day after that and the day after that. I actually stayed up till 5:30am watching their videos! Basically I'm obsessed now and I'm proud to call myself a Mythical Beast!

when i was watching youtube alot of rhett and links videos popped up in the reccomended bar so i watched them and know i watch their videos everyday

I found them some time ago whilst browsing stuff... If my memory serves me well I believe I found them in the recommended videos area on youtube after watching an Epic Rap Battles of History episode and some other nerdy things. I was introduced to Good Mythical Morning. I did not, however, notice that they had another account which had music videos on it until later on when I went through some playlists and noticed that some of the videos in that playlist took me to another channel with Rhett and Link on it. Even later on I discovered that a majority of my friends liked them as well, but never really said anything about it... Until I mentioned it of course then they seemed quite talkative. 

I found Rhett and Link about two years ago when I was scrolling through my recommended videos section on youtube

I found Rhett and Link about 5 months ago after my brother showed me a video. Since then I've been hooked!!

My cousin had showed me their Ghost Pepper challenge video, and then I saw them in the YouTube Rewind video which led me to search for their videos. And now here I am. :)

I was just browsing youtube and I just started watching them
A friend told me about it. First episode was Strangest Name In History of good mythical morning. Now trying my best to binge watch every episode.

It was a birthday party, actually. My best friend wanted to show me a video, and I was kind of like "Um... okay?" And I wasn't really interested. It was "My OCD song" and I was kind of into it, kind of not. I was just like "Alright, this is cool, I guess." But I didn't really WATCH it.

A few months pass, and my best friend would always hum the OCD song at times. Then, I was on this one forum like thing, and somebody put up gifs of Rhett and Link. It intrigued me, and so I went on YouTube, and watched the OCD song again, and started laughing at some of their other videos.

Another month went by, and then I started talking to my parents about them. I would say "These guys are so funny!" And they were just kind of like "You go watch that then."

And another month comes by, and I am watching their videos every day, I even got my mom to start watching it. We hook YouTube up to our T.V, and watch Good Mythical Morning at least every day.


I am so glad to be a part of this Kommunity,

Have a great day if you read this.
If you didn't read this... I still wish you a good day! :)


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