
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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i was watching pewdiepie and then GMM showed up and i ended up clicking on it because i was doing homework and i liked how funny they were and then the next day i found out all my friends watched it and so the more i watched the more i liked

p.s. i love there show i now watch it every mornning

Hello fellow Mythical Beasts!

I cant say exactly when I discovered R&L, sometime last year, but I know it was via youtube surfing and coming across a random GMM episode. I was immediately hooked and have been enjoying GMM and well as various other videos on a daily basis ever since. And now I have decided to embrace my Beastly-ness and join the Kommunity. 

I found them on one of my youtube tangents. I don't remember how, where, or when, but I found them.
I found Rhett and Link my surfing the Youtubes basically
I have no idea how I found Rhett and link - I probably just stumbled across one of their music videos a couple years ago, but since then I've been catching up every good mythical morning episode from the very beginning in a GMM marathon - watching as many videos in a row as I could fit in whenever I had time and I've finally caught up!! I love it!!!

I watched them awhile ago i lost them and found them again with the spicy pepper challenge

I found an episode of GMM on some site... I don't remember which one it was.

My first YouTuber was Tobuscus. Then I saw a video of  his with Rhett and Link in it. So I watched it and then binge watched The Mythical Show, Good Morning Chia Lincoln, and GMM. I've been hooked ever since and watch them everyday! 

Im not even sure how I came to like them. Im homeschooled (so I'm at home a lot), and I often go on youtube because I have nothing else to do. One day I must have seen something of theirs that had an interesting title. I don't remember what the first video I saw was, but I remember think that this was really stupid. Yet, somehow I came back and watched more videos and found out that not all of the videos are stupid, actually most of them are very good. So I watched more videos, ended up learning they post videos every week day (which was exciting news, so know I have something to look forward too), and Ive been watching ever since (though it hasn't been that long, probably a couple of months since I officially subscribed). 

Discovered GMM a few months ago. Figured I'm pretty much hooked on them at this point. Plus, they seem like creative, chill guys who are living the dream as far as entertainment goes. Would love to blow up on YouTube myself one day.

I found them through their collaboration video with Matthew Santoro. Now they are part of my daily routine :D


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