
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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like about two years ago i was browsing the internet and i found this web show that was hilarious and after watching it for a week straight that friday i subscribed 

I came across them back in like 2010 when I was a huge fan of  Tobuscus. I was about 12 years old. But I was more interested in gaming videos and didn't really find any interest in Rhett and Link. But over the years I have often kinda just watched some stuff here and there. But only recently (I'm 16 now) I just happened to come across the video "Will it fry" And I just couldn't stop laughing and it was very entertaining! It brought me joy :) And now I'm addicted!! Can't believe I didn't like these guys when I was 12 like what was wrong with me?! hahah. 

Cliche really - long time fan, first time joining. I discovered Rhett and Link through the suggested page of youtube while I was searching for... not sure now. I believe what caught my eye was the Rhett's neti pot episode of Good Morning Chia Lincoln which helped me out a lot because I always suffered from sinus inflammation. It was hilarious and I had no idea there were content creators online uploading daily videos. 3 years later, I'm still hooked on Rhett and Link and now other daily/weekly youtube content creators.

I hope the mythical beasts welcome me into the kommunity.


Seriously - I hit the wrong link on the YouTube suggestions and BAM - love at first music video. Geek VS Nerd. I have been a follower ever since, loading up on back episodes of GMM and videos. Listening to the Podcast too. I love the clean, good natured humor. So much fun.

I stumbled across them one time on youtube and then I loved watching the show

I found them while skimming through videos and came across their weird ways to open a bottle video. Ever since then i've watch just about every video they upload.

My 14 yr old son and I share youtube through the tv while unwinding. I have a long workday. It is nice to have something worth watching and reflecting on. They remind me of friends I used to hang with... so relateable and fun. Thank you! :)

One day, a few years ago, I stumbled upon the Facebook Song and instantly fell in love. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Rhett&Link so much. They have actually gotten me through a lot in my life so far.

I saw Rhett and Link on the YouTube Challenge Challenge and I was hooked.

I was just surfin' youtube and came across one of their videos. I loved 'em but I just started watching them more often.

I found them compleatly by random surching yt vids and saw something I liked, so I subscribed. That was like 1y ago. Then my gf of 6months now and i were talking a while back when we were just friends, and she mentioned that she watches GMM and said I should check it out. I had almost forgotten that I had subscribe to GMM and GMM more and I decided I'd watch. Well 6months later I've seen every show you've put up since I started watching and evan am about 1/2 way through the older epps. It truly is a great show guys. I haven't looked back. I like to watch at my morning break time at work while I drink my coffee. I sit there loling while ppl look at me weird. But nuts to them. Yous Rock.

whatched their ghost pepper challenge on youttube, been hooked since then


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