
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I started binge watching you gmm during the summer and when the school year started i got my bowl of cereal and turned on gmm in the morning every single morning. Rhett and Link are the best. you make every morning great. now on the weekends i cant wait for monday to see your new episode. :)

From my boss at work.

I stumbled upon the episode, “25 Worst Halloween Costumes Ever!” and was intrigued by them so I kept clicking on more and more episodes including, "Facon Bacon Taste Test" and, "Weird Ways to Stay Warm" - they just kept cracking me up! So I googled them and decided to start watching them from inception - "Good Morning Chia Lincoln" and every time they promoted a video, I'd watch that too so as to experience them in chronological order. I also started watching current episodes of GMM and Good Mythical More regularly every day after I dropped off my daughter at Kindergarten and that remains my routine over a month later so, I'm hooked. And now that I've posted this, I think I'm officially a Mythical Beast! lol! Love you Rhett and Link! You guys are awesome! xoxo

I was introduced to Rhett & Link about a year ago by my best pal. He is an avid fan, as am I now. I just could not put off becoming a mythical beast any longer

Wright Brothers was my first experience with Rhett & Link. Need I say more?

i fund them a few years ago can't remember the exact dat when browing to you and when i saw their videos i was like well this seems interesting and i subscribed to see more.I don't regret it even once 

I found them randomly on youtube, about two weeks ago. Now i've started watching GMM and GMMore every morning. Their videos are awesome, and so are they in general. I couldn't be happier!

I was just derping around on Youtube one day and I saw the Geek Vs. Nerd Epic Rap Battle, Then found they did a show so I started watching an old episode of GMM. Then they plugged there main channel..... Needless to say, 24 hours of binge watching GMM only broken up by watching music videos..... I had become something else......... I had become a MYTHICAL BEAST!

My friend showed me the siracha challenge last year or something and i went home that day and started watching. The end...

i found them in 2013. i saw some of the hawk man gmm and then saw i am a thoughtful guy, then watched off and on until 2014 when i became a loyal viewer.

I found Rhett and Link on youtube about two months ago.

I have no idea. I just woke up one day with a cockatrice standing on my head.


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