
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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My brother-in-law and his wife showed me The Facebook Song, and I cried I laughed so hard. I'm hooked!
My best friend had showed me the shamwow song and introduced me to the Link+Rhet world, and I have loved it since
I was searching for homeschool vids and i stumbled upon thier Homeshoolers song. I thought it was the funniest thing. And now im a huge fan.
I was linked to T-shirt War of Rhettandlink on youtube from MysteryGuitarman. I'm just amazed by your creativity!
My friend's teenage children found them on youtube (specifically The Red House commercial) from there we all started watching their commercials and we just watched Finding Ms. Locklear a couple of week's ago.
A friend showed me their site and their vids and suggested I joined and here I am!
A few months ago, I was watching the Science Channel and the ShamWow music video came up. I was amazed and thrilled! Immediately, raced to the computer to see who these guys were. To my delight, I found dozens of entertaining videos and such. I've been a big fan ever since.

Olivia Goffma said:
they appeared to me in a dream
I found them through DFTBA records, I love all the music they put out, and I saw that they had signed Rhett & Link. I then watched the hoaxes song that they performed with Hank Green (of the vlogbrothers) and I finally decided to check out their channel, and I was hooked right away, all their songs were funny and unique
I watch equals three on you tube regulary and when he commented on t-shirt war, i clicked the link to watch the whole shabang, i liked the vid and another caught my eyes like some strange creature in the related videos bit IN THE 80's!!! i then watched all their videos on their channel that day and loved it.
the greek gods told me their names in a dream..
I first found them when I saw an equals three episode on youtube about T-shirt war and then I checked out ome more videos and eventually subscribed to their channels on youtube.


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