
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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It was under the suggested videos on youtube and Something just told me to watch it, so I did!

I found the video about weird things at airport security and the rest is history lol.

they were

 reccomended to me by google

i was surfing the web (as usual) when i came across their main logo ........ a fire breathing chicken and i thought,"i wanna watch that"and eventually i got totally addicted to their show.i have watched for a long time but recently found out about becoming a mythical beast

I found these two dudes a while back when the collaborated with Grace when she was still Daily Grace. However, I just recently got the Rhett and Link bug and I'm 100% sure I'm obsessed. 

I was board on YouTube one day and stumbled into them and have enjoyed it ever since.

I found them naturally just by recommended videos but I think the first one I saw (recently) was "Best Video Game Ever?". I liked it and realized it was a daily show so I found the first episode, and I've been catching up since. It's been about 2 weeks and right now I'm listening to "Driving too slow should be illegal" from season 3 AKA episode 250. I will eventually catch up and watch daily.

I found Rhett and Link on the "what to watch page" of Youtube. I watched one video, then more. Then I started to watch GMM.

One day I was bored on YouTube looking for something good to watch. I found "Yo mama battle (of compliments)" and watched it. I found it AWESOME so I went to their channel and I progressed from there! Today I watch Good Mythical Morning and Good Mythical More every weekday. It always makes me laugh and go, "Wow!"

My little brother played one of the youtube caption videos for me, and I was hooked!  Rhett and Link's humor makes the world a better place.  Who doesn't love to laugh? :)

I found them last year when I was watching an unhealthy amount of Vlogbrothers videos (not that I don't still do that aha), and I would always sit there looking at the side bar thing and Good Mythical Morning was always there. I was an idiot about it for quite awhile because I'd always think 'Go away, I don't want to watch two weird guys sitting behind a table!' but one day I thought I might as well see what they did and oh good lord! I wish I'd started watching them sooner!! Now I'm so happy to be a Nerdfighter and a Mythical Beast - along with another whole world of nerdy things...

A good friend of mine really liked Julian Smith so she showed me him. I watched all his videos, then I saw 'The Perfect Bathroom Trip" I have been hooked to Rhett and Link ever since.


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