
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I found GMM this past summer when I was having  hard time with some things and a friend said check them out, they are so funny! Been hooked ever since!

I was bored one day, just clicking random youtube videos in the suggestion bar, and I came across GMM (and their other channels as well). I recognized Link and Rhett from other videos they made appearances in (I thought they were funny, but never bothered to figure out who they were). And then I decided to start watching their videos and subscribe, I watched their music videos and GMM for 7 hours straight! Now I can't go one day without watching Rhett and Link. :3

i saw the tshirt war back when it came out because of mystery guitar man and i didnt think much of it until i saw rhett and link everywhere and then i started watching GMM since season 2 and been hooked on their content ever since! (when they were on ERB as the wright brothers i almost crapped my pants)

I found Rhett and Link while i was video surfing on youtube the first video i ever saw was the add for the men who cant pee lol! after i saw that video I got really into my school work and didn't really look on youtube much till a few years later i thought what ever became of those awesome dudes i went to youtube and O.O GMM had be born now i start every day with GMM ^^

I was looking up the best ghost towns and saw Rhett and Link's channel and ever since then I watch everything they post and I went back and watched everything from before then.

My friend was like hey look at this its called good mythical morning its rely funny so i watched it and i instantly fell in love me my dad and sister watch it every day and now i get to learn some thing new each morning, rhet and link always bring a smile to my face

I saw them first in Epic rap battles of history. Then I watched some of their other stuff. Now my kids and I hooked, we're watching back through all their old videos.

I've been a mythical beast so long i don't even remember!!!! I think an episode of GMM was on the sidebar so i clicked on it and I was hooked!!!!!

I was watching sourcefed and they had a table talk with "Rhett and Link" 

I was searching for good videos on Youtube and I found their "The Craziest Things Found by Airport Security" video from GMM. After sometime I found their main channel Rhett&Link and it was awesome.

I followed a Tumblr post on crazy things people tried to smuggle through the airport to Youtube. I glanced at the related videos on the side and clicked on the episode of GMM. I've been watching it ever since.


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