
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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Deep within the caverns of the internet; I was strolling upon the vast northern regions, more commonly know as the YouTubes. I began as many who've crossed these paths often do; I skalled the forbidden walls of hilarious cat videos, fought my way through the forrest of fails and made my way to the lost village of vlogs. Now, this village, for those of you who are brave enough to fight through the path, is a wondrous one, filled with the oddest and most peculiar people who host live shows and spectacles throughout the day. As I was partaking in the regular viewing of the one show I find amusing, the DailyGrace, I found that she had special guests upon her show, the ones known as Rhett and Link. Unknown to me, but an intriguing duo, I decided to delve deep within the lost vlogs archives, where you may view past shows and spectacles from days past. From this, I discovered Good Mythical Morning and intern the Mythical Show, along with other hilarious and strange things such as "The Facebook Song" and "A Thoughtful Guy". Too this day, I have delved deep within the archives and have started to educate myself on the happenings of this brave duo, who've embarked on many a project. Though I still have a long way to go, I can now safely say that these two are by far the most intriguing duo of all.

My friend showed me rub some bacon on it and was like,"I love these guys!" and I was like ok. Then I saw them on comedy week, and looked at their music videos. I found rhettanlink2 as well,which is my favorite channel now. Later, I told my friend I liked them too, but it turned out she had only seen rub some bacon on it, and when I showed her nilla wafer top hat time she showed it to everyone else she knew, proclaiming she had found it and now they all sing it so much I can't listen to it… oh well, at least one of my friends actually looked at their videos.

I found them a few weeks ago. I'd seen them appear in the Wright Bros. vs Mario Bros. epic rap battle of history, as well as Youtubers react. I liked Rhett's beard and decided to look them up. I could not stop watching their music videos and their commercials XD

From Dope Zebra and Vlogbrothers.

just clicking some vids and Rub Some Bacon On it IM HOOKED

love the stuff yall do i had looked up funny rap battles on youtube and bam first thing is epic rap battle of manliness lol loved it so watched some stuff and got addicted to the point i watched everything till i got caught up to todays posts and uploads

I really happened to find them because of my awesome wife who fund them on youtube just surfing. I'm so happy that we did find them. Holy cow I laugh and smile all the time. Now my wife, kids and I are enjoying catching up on everything we have missed. A big thank you to Rhett and Link! It is hard to find content now days that is clever, clean, and fun that we can watch with our kids! Thank you for keeping it clean! My family loves it. When we meet I'll cafune you. :) 

I was on youtube looking for "Stop MotionVideos" for my theatre arts class and the first video that poped up was "T-shirt War". I clicked on it and i reaaly thought it was cool so i subscribed and ever since I became a mythical beast!

I was watching the Vlogbrothers, and Rhett and Link were recommended to me. =)               

And now I am addicted.               

I as playing Smule's Magic Piano, and I saw that some people Named Rhett and Link had some songs on there. To find out who they were, I went on YouTube (everything is on YouTube). I saw they had a WHOLE channel full of stuff that I enjoy. After that I was hooked!

My good friend Mr. Rohde told me about them. We will now endeavor to be like Rhett & Link only in a different physical form. Praise me.

Well is was the mothers day weekend and my "step mom" being the power hungry beast(not mythical beast) she is made us watch the yo mama rap battle of compliments, she probably typed in mothers day rap (like a loser) anyways i really enjoyed it and i then started to watch rhettandlink. they are so awesome! i dont even game on my xbox that much any more i just watch rhettandlink! my favorite videos are when they make them selves sound like idiots, the hair song, and epic rap battle.


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