
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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First I heard the Facebook song and I didn't like back then. Then I saw the t-shirt war and I liked it but didn't make much of it.. only a year or so later youtube recommended a video for me and I started watching all their videos.. there are so many of them! And some of them I keep watching over and over again. I spend hours a day watching Rhett and Link videos and it's ruining my work discipline (I work from home), my apartment is a mess and I haven't washed my hair in like two weeks. I really need to get a life. 

Oh well, that's my story:)

I found t-shirt war when it came out and watched it, then watched some of their stuff. But I didn't subscribe sense I didn't have a youtube account to subscribe with at the time. And I re-found them about 2 weeks ago and became a tiny bit obsessed >.>... I've now watched just about everything on both channels because I don't have much to do at work. I'm pretty sad I didn't subscribe back then when I found them originally. Dang it past me D: 

I originally saw Rhett and Link when they were on Epic Rap Battles of History, but neglected to check them out until I saw Christmas Sweatz on the front page of Youtube. I have never regretted not checking someone/something out more than I have regretted not checking Rhett and Link out sooner. I watch GMM every day now, and have gotten my mom and my friends into it.

I get sad if I have to miss a day, but then I realise that means there's just more for me to watch the next day! :D

My friend was watching and told me that I should watch because it is hilarious. I watched and she was right. I watch their videos frequently now.

I am that friend:))

My dad and I unknowingly watched three of their videos over the course of a year and I finally realized that they were the same people, so after I watched the Super Bowl Commercial one, I looked them up and became addicted instantly. Wow, that was a really long sentence!

My friend introduced me to them :) The first video of theirs that I watched was one of their rap battles, the one where they fight over a girl at that restaurant.

i found rhett and link because i watched julian smiths video waffles

I was flipping through youtube and found their video, Epic Rap Battle of Manliness

I can't remember which  one came first. It was either the BBQ song, or Jeffery Dallas's Waffles. A friend showed me one of them last year, and I've been hooked ever since.

I found rett and link by find t-shirt war on YouTube and have been watching Good Morning Chia Lincoln and GMM ever seance

surfing the web.


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