
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I found them as a result of Rhett or Link (not sure which) having gone to college with some friends of mine. They were like"check out these friends of ours.....they make funny stuff". So did.
You know when your on Youtube and you're watching a video, and then in the "similar videos" column you click on another video...and then you click on another video...and then you click on another video...and then you end up watching something completely unrelated to what you were watching before?
Yeah, I think that's how I found Rhett and Link. They're cool people. Fo sho.

Sorry if my words have in anyway confused you.
looked up facebook. facebook song baybay... that was about a year ago.
didn't look at them for a while
recently. im subbed to julian smith. he talked about the bathroom trip vid. i looked. looked at other vids. realised HEY! these are the guys that did the FB song! *subscribe!*

Thanks for the mention of the Bentley Brothers! I just looked them up! We wore tuxes like that when I was in high school! (Not to class--to prom)

Lauren [Razom] said:
Thank MissEC, she told me about those videos the other day. xD

Brother Bob (The Dancing Bear) said:
OMG, I can't believe how awesome this is.... The Fabulous Bentley Brothers??? I had no idea! Thank you thank you thank you! Do you know what the story behind this is? It reminds me of Veggie Tales.... I've often wondered whether R&L are Christians. Guess so! Cool!

Lauren [Razom] said:
Haha, are you sure about that? xD
They've been in a lot of videos that aren't on their channels. Hey, I just found about the Fabulous Bentley Brothers yesterday. xD

cody smith orton said:
facebook song... then 12 hours of watching every video they were ever in
The Maine Man Song was my gateway drug into all things Rhett and Link. Now we are hopelessly addicted, but not seeking any kind of treatment.
i found rhett and link in mid 2009 by Shaycarl who is there friend he mentioned them in a blog and ive been a fan ever since
Phil of spanner fame shared youse guys with me. I then watched the christmas spanner fail and laughed till I cried. I am hooked :)
I found them randomly on Youtube when I was searching for Facebook videos, and they appeared with the "Facebook" song. Up until now, I can't stop following them.
I just discovered Rhett and Link a couple months ago, but oh my goodness have I laughed since then!! My favourites are the spanner commercials (and I always start new people out on those) but I'm enjoying digging into old stuff. I just saw the Electric Bed Fence and laughed until I cried. These guys are hilarious!
hi!! I found them today Feb 11 2010 when RayWilliamJohnson was troling about the video T-Shirt War. after that i was"OMFG" love this!!!!!
I'm not fully sure as to when I found out about them, but I can remember it was due to my older sister showing me a video of theirs - possibly the fast food drive-thru one. Took me a short while of watching their videos, but I finally subscribed after a while and became a fan. Really glad I did.
I've known about them for some time (just found their fabulous ning though :]) thanks to the Vlogbrothers. Those guys send you to all the other awesome people of YouTube!


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