
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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Well... To be honest- my best friend showed my dad and I "Red House" and we just had to get more.  So we watched at least five more videos and we all went outside to sing them.


I am in love with their videos and my friend laughs at me when I tell them that "my hair is flowing like a waterfall today."

I was browsing cat pictures on cheezburger, and their video GMM was part of a page, watched one episode, now I'm watching them all. =3

I found rhett and link from a friend, They are awesome!!!!!!!!!!

I originally found them through a related video when I was told about the drive-through rappings that were all-a-buzz. I not necessarily a fan of what rap is today (with all of the swearing and all), so on the related videos I saw Rhett and Link's drive through song, folk-style. I watched, I went to their channel and started my Refreshingly Creative Addiction that I call Rhett and Link  :).

I love the videos, from the pillow song, the Harry Potter vlog, the Manliness Rap, and always getting a daily dose (M-F wise) of GMM!

i found them through a jullian smith video then started waching good morning chia lincon and all there music have been a mythical beast ever since :)

I think I found them through Tobuscus...I watched him in their "Mr. Cuddles Caption Fail" video, and I thought it was totally awesome, so then I watched more Caption Fails, and eventually it led to me watching almost every episode of GMM so far. =)

I found Rhett and Link through a related video on youtube a few years back. I enjoyed watching their videos and I still do to this day. They are two goofy guys who also can be serious when they need to be and I love their humour. Keep making awesome videos guys! :D

I found them in 2009.  I was watching a video on youtube and the featured related video was the ShamWow song.  The rest, as they say, was history.

My anwer to this question is a short one: I was surfing youtube and sort of just stumbles across their videos. One video led to another, and now I have watched every single episode of GMM. Perhaps I shall move on to Good Morning Chia Lincoln.

I found them when I was watching HISHE, on their channel i saw they had liked a video from geekandsundry's "Written by a Kid". The video mentioned it featured RhettandLink so i had to check them out. I have been hooked on ever since.

I was a really big Julian Smith fan and I noticed them appearing in several videos, so I decided to check them out. The first video that I saw was the Epic Rap Battle. I've been watching them since.

i found them when i was watching julian smith, saw them a few times and i was like... heyy, there're awesome

and here i am :)


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