
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I don't really remember. It should have been a long time ago xD I was subscribed for a long time and I started watching them regularly one month ago. I really like them not only because they are funny but because they are normal and they don't overdo it. ^^

i found you on waffles by jullian smith

i found you on waffles by jullian smith

Over the last week or so, I have been force-fed GMM by my husband, who turned our 40" TV into his own computer monitor, so no matter where I am in our apartment, I experience Rhett & Link.  I have since embraced Mythical Beasthood and can now challenge him for position of biggest fan.

I found out about them when they were on Conan last year (I think) thought they were hilarious regular guys and looked them up; but then it turned out I had already saw a couple of their videos and hadn't realized (The Pillow song and T-Shirt Wars). So I watched Commercial Kings RELIGIOUSLY when it would come on, and was completely addicted to it! But then it went off....:-'(

I had forgotten to subscribe to Rhett and Link on YouTube so (sad to say) I had forgotten about them. Then on a random afternoon while I was avoiding/procrastinating doing real work I stumbled on Good Mythical Morning (First video: Why Couples Look Alike or Squirrel Attacks my Son (can't remember which one but I'm 97% sure it's the latter)). I was obsessed and started watching EVERY SINGLE EPISODE reviving my original love for them I had developed with Commercial Kings. In 5 days I had successfully watched 20+ hours of GGM and caught up just in time for the 100th episode!

Now I'm Rhett and Link HOOKED and can honestly say they are the few people on YT that are good clean fun and I don't mind watching 5 days a week, if I get on YT chances are it's for Rhett and Link! You guys are AWESOME SAUCE; even my mom enjoys you!

PS: Sorry for writing so much... I LOVE to write!


I actually started watching them after the Chuck Testa video, but after watching a lot of their earlier videos, I realized that I had actually seen a lot of them before and just didn't know they were Rhett and Link.

I can't even remember what year it was, but it must have been either 2008 or 2009...my university's student newspaper ran a story on Rhett and Link's growing success as Internetainers (my alma mater is in North Carolina, so it was sort of relevant). I was a copy editor at the paper and read the story during work...Rhett and Link sounded really interesting, so I checked out their YouTube page and liked them a lot. But it took me a little while to get really into the whole YouTube thing at all. I guess I'm a bit of a late bloomer as a fan, in that case, even though I've known about Rhett and Link for several years. I'm pretty obsessed with GMM now, though; the shows have really solidified my fandom of the duo, that's for sure!

I found them after my bf showed me the "Hair Goes....." video. I was instantly hooked. :)

I found them through Jelly Telly and The Fabulous Bentley Brothers. After looking up those videos on YouTube, I found the others. Good work, guys.

I was playing Magic Piano and I played Dope Zebra, and then I Googled them and found out they were halairous and epic.


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