
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I saw commercial kings and looked up "Rhett and Link." I then found their channel on youtube and eventually constantly watched Good Mythical Morning. Keep in mind I am watching GMM in another window. 

I found Rhett and Link from my sister and now I almost watch them everyday



i found Rhett and Link in some of Julian Smith's videos. and after watching a few episodes i couldn't stop watching for hours!

I was on YouTube and I happen to go to one of there videos and then I found myself watching all of their videos.

My brother!!!!!!!!!

The Shaytards got mythical shoes and mentioned Rhett and Link in a video, so I went to Rhett and Link's channel and loved it.

I found them shortly after I asked my wife to marry me. After I showed her 2 guys 600 pillows, I wasn't the only guy she said yes to. Now GMM is part of our daily lives, and I have the Tweak Rhett and Link Mythical Shoe, and finally I am apart of the Kommunity.

I found them because my older brother showed me 2 guys 600 pillows, I then watched it again later and then began to watch their other's and 2 guys 600 pillows is now my favourite one! :)

I discoved them on You Tube by accident one day.  It is my favorite of all shows I watch on You Tube or wherever. It makes me smile and laugh and start my day with a good attitude. Love you both and picking a favorite is a hard one but I would have to pick Rhett  if pushed since he is more my type. Good Mental Health through Good Mythical Morning! many hugs to the both of you for giving me a bright spot everday!

I found them on youtube, when they made the dead ipod song. I dont know when or how but it changed my life.

Well, I was watching some Julian Smith videos and I noticed quite a lot of comments like "Rhett&Link at 1:51!!!" or "Wow, Rhett&Link, those guys are awesome" etc. And people seemed genuinely enthused about it so I decided to check out their videos and guess what - I am also enthused. And hooked. Oh, and I got my brother hooked on the videos, too :)


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