
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I'm not entirely sure how it happened. I believe I happened upon one of their commercials (I think the Cuban Gynecologist one) whilst meandering around youtube, and since then I have watched all their videos, and I guess the rest is history.
My wife (then girlfriend) and I were both going to school for music in 2007, when one day she's like you ever seen these guys? I was like nah I ain't... so she then proceeded to show me the "facebook song" and I've been a fan ever since. A big part of our relationship was long distance after we graduated and had to move back to our respective homes which were 10 hours apart, so for a while when a new video would come out we would watch it together over the phone. Rhett and Link kinda kept us together...
Metamorphosis youth retreat several years ago.
October 2008: daily procrastinating on facebook was becoming difficult as I was on so much, nothing was ever new. I had to resort to youtube. I searched facebook, and there it was: the facebook song. I watched that video for a solid three hours, went to bed, woke up the next day and continued to sift through Rhett & Link's videos. Needless to say, it was at least two weeks before I resumed school work
Hmmm....How did I find R&L ?
PresedentVic: Aaaaah...That is good question.My fellow Earthlings I came upon discovering theese two space aliens when a music video of theyrs made it on the front page of youtube in the big "sidescreen thing".It immediatly got my attention because there was a picture of who guys with helmets, lightsabers and an extraturrestrial being. I LOVE StarWars and I like aliens so i took a look at the video.After about 15 views in 5 days I had memorized the song,it was imprinted on my brain.So I desided to subscribe and see what they come up with next.After a week i thought i had seen all of theyr videos...I knew nothing.Laiter on I heard them mention an online community I went and visited this site,saw a video of Rhett speaking to Link on the phone and strugling to do the show by himself and thought "Hmm...This is interesting I thinck I'll watch the show next week too".And the storry goes on.Untill this day I had no intentions on joining this comunity since I'm not an online community person but I saw a video "One man's trash" and the video sed that there was a funny storry behind it but inorder to listen to the storry I had to join this mythical Kommunity I had heard about.I had no doupt that this is part of an evil scheme to make more ppl join the site owners's side in the war for Internet domination.I know this to be so...Allas my curiosity and the need to pass time by watching fun videos and making silly chat comments overcame reason and I have joined the dark side...sort of speach...As for how dark it is I will find out soon.I am on my way to becoming a mithical beast my self and it is a path that once taken is hard to stray afar from.
I was avoiding homework by watching random videos on youtube, and I ended up watching one of theirs, and now I'm hooked!!!! I love all of their videos and I've shown many of them to my family and they love them too!!! I never knew that avoiding homework could turn out so nicely... :)
i was looking for parody videos of the "Shamwow" commercial and i suddenly found a video called "The Shamwow Song". i never actually clicked it at first,but i just kept seeing it so finally one day i decided to click it,and ohh man was it good! then i went to they're website and downloaded every single free song they had,added it all to my ipod and since i had to go to my grandpa's house all week,the only thing i had to not bore me to death was my ipod...with Rhett and Link songs on it. so then i went home and decided to watch all the music videos for the songs i added to my ipod and now i adore these guys :3 !
Not only are they going for internet domination... but also GLOBAL COMEDIC DOMINATION!!

Vic(ShapeShifter) said:
I had no doupt that this is part of an evil scheme to make more ppl join the site owners's side in the war for Internet domination.I know this to be so...Allas my curiosity and the need to pass time by watching fun videos and making silly chat comments overcame reason and I have joined the dark side...sort of speach...As for how dark it is I will find out soon.I am on my way to becoming a mithical beast my self and it is a path that once taken is hard to stray afar from.
I found them on youtube... just lookin for some random videos and somehow i found "In The 80's". I thought it was so awesome that i had to subscribe.
cool tht they bought u and ur bf togteher, idk i think the first vid of theirs i saw was live on the internet and its good!!
some one told me to check out the slap chop rap on youtube in related videos were some shamwow videos one was yours i have been hooked ever since ;) lol. you guys rock im glad i found you i tell all my freinds about you!


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