
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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My brother showed me the unicorn rap a couple of years ago- saw some more videos aound that time, including The

Guacamole Song, but then went through a couple of years where internet access wasnt great where I was so I got out of touch with them. Recently rediscovered them about 2 months ago, and I am hooked! I rewatched the The

Guacamole Song the other day, and realised that I had accidently been taking credit for 'my' guacamole recipe, which I had, without realising it, based on their recipe! I'll give them credit from now on ;)

I found Rhett and Link February 16, 2012, on epic rap battle of history and my first though was... WOW! this guys are really good and have great charisma! Something in them just drove me to find more about them and that when i realized they had their own channel ever since I've seen most if not all their videos and  THEY ARE GREAT! :D Every morning is a mythical morning fro me too! Thanx guys for always entertaining us with being simply you guys! 

Not sure, but I've been a fan for a while. Probably just searching youtube. lol

The first time I saw Rhett and Link was through my youth pastor. He's a cool guy, but kind of a nerd, so he shows YouTube videos every Wednesday at youth group. One of the videos he happened to show was the Epic Rap Battle (which is still one of my favorites) and while I was watching I started to think "Man, these guys look just like two of my friends." To get a better look at them I started watching some of their videos when I got back home, and suddenly I was hooked :) Ha.

i saw them in the epic rap battle of history, wright brothers vs. mario brothers and was determined to find them on the Youtubes. =D

I found Rhett and Link from friend's facebook post about a "Bring a Friend to Good Mythical Morning." I've been watching ever since.  

Sheesh it was many many years ago i first saw rhett and link. I think it was the day the facebook song came out my brother had found it and showed it to me and from then on i watched them whenever their videos came out. I never was one to comment or write on facebook pages or even do this, i just liked the videos, they made me laugh and i always waited for the next one. I never got involved but now i'm trying to at least and I am glad to be a part of this. Rhett and Link are very funny and I love supporting them. YOU GUYS ROCK!

I found them via Epic Rap Battles of History, AND I AM NOW HOOKED FOREVER!

Well the first R&L vid i ever saw was the epic rap battle. I thought they were genius comedians and writers so I was hooked, and the rest is history. There was actually a period in time where i was not watching these videos like for a year then picked up again when my friend riah brought it up. now i am watching at least 3 videos a day. i always end up with a smile on my face at the  end of each video! :)

For about a year now I've been a huge fan of Julian Smith. One day I'm dinking around looking at his page when I see his Waffles video. Naturally I click on it, and Rhett and Link are in it (My first thought about Rhett was "What a weird haircut"). In the sidebar was The Perfect Bathroom Trip Song. Needless to say I was unimpressed. In fact a little bit grossed out. Maybe a month later I decided to give them another shot after re-watching Waffles. I think I watched the pillow music video, and that was sort of cool, but again they fell off my Youtube radar until... the beginning of March this year I think. I watched an episode of Good Mythical Morning, and finally their awesome rays got through my thick skull to my brain and I realized how neat they are!

I also was watching Julian Smith vids, I've been a fan of his for a while and I saw the Bathroom Trip Song. My fiance and I discuss GMM every day and he bought me a pair of Mythical Shoes for my birthday!! They are awesome (so is NC since we share a home state!!)

I found Rhett and Link by the Facebook and Dope Zebra YouTube videos, started watching the older videos they have, which worked my way to GMM. I got interested, so I started listening to it. Probably about two weeks ago, maybe four... But I got into it.


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