
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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My friend told me about the super amazing T-shirt wars video and I loved it! So I subscribed.

I found Rhett and Link in Youtube

you know thats really interesting...

Jeryll Lee Jet Rann said:

I found Rhett and Link in Youtube

I accidently came across Rhett and Link on one of my aimless adventures on the interwebernetcomicus.

Stumbleupon! I was having a particularly bad day, and I logged in to stumble the frustration away. The first thing that magical machine decided to show me was the T-shirt war! From there I continued to watch youtube video after youtube video to find more of this wonderful creativity! And thus, my journey from incredibly frustrated Comm. student to follower of mythicalbeasthood has brought to this oasis.

Well... back in the summer of 09 I was newly introduced to stumbleupon by my older sister, i was really bored and extremely fascinated with the site. After about an hour I "stumbled upon" "techno-jeep" by Julian Smith. A few months later I saw Julian's Hot Kool-Aid and Malk not realizing it was the same person (I think a friend showed it to me) I really loved his videos and I showed alot of my friends.. Eventually I got my youth pastor/Bible teacher to watch it, he showed it to our Bible class the following Friday and a new tradition began.. Some of the kids in my class were familiar with Julian and asked Pastor James if he would let us watch The Perfect Bathroom Trip song. We did... but it didn't click that this had Rhett and Link in it until much later (same with the waffle video), I was just like.. "Julian is really funny but those other guys are really weird" lol. So anyways every Friday, after taking our quiz for the week, Pastor James let us watch a youtube video we watched a few Mystery Guitar man videos and found T-shirt wars (that was the first vid that I recognized Rhett and Link in) then as a class we fell in love with Good Morning ChiaLincoln and that became the main series we viewed.. But the video that got me hooked on Rhett and Link originally was 2 guys 600 pillows... We still watch their videos and Julian's almost every Friday. It's pretty amazing. :D What can be better than getting to watch Rhett and Link during school? :)

I discovered the accidently when  clicked one of the youtube suggestions while looking for julian smith videos


I was on what people call 'That weird part of youtube' and I stumbled upon Rhett and Link. Now my life is amazing and I haven't caught salmonella since. 

Justkitten, I've never had salmonella.

But these guys are awesome and I am proud to say that I'm a mythical beast in training. 


So I know I'm really late but I just found those videos thanks to you lovely people :D pretty crazy cuz i was just thinkin to myself the other day that R&L should do some kinda Christian themed series (other than the occasional scripture references they really didn't seem to have much in the way of religious content on Youtube which I thought was odd since I knew they were involved with like campus ministry back in college or whatev and seemed to be Christians) (not that I don't love their videos they way they are..)  But yeah.. this makes me really happy :D so thanks!

JoBrownieWithABlackSpotOnHisNose said:

I watched the jelly telly videos! they were cool. I think there should be a way to get those songs. Maybe when there are enough, they could sell a CD.

MissElectricCompany said:
Oh whoa, I just checked out their Jelly Telly videos!! Hilarious! And I love some of the comments left by others about how their songs are so catchy. I wonder when these videos were done? I've never heard the guys talk about them!

Beth Roth said:
Oh my goodness!!! You just sent me on a little Google journey...I had no idea. Those shirts, those toupees!! My kids and I had talked before about how it would be neat if Rhett and Link did something along the lines of a Veggie Tales video...and here they are teamed up with the Veggie Tales people.

Dudes have been keeping a little secret from us!

Kevin Kirk said:
I found R&L through their performance as the Fabulous Bentley Brothers on Jelly Telly. I now know all of the Judges names from the Old Testament because of them. Thanks guys.

Earlier this year, I'd say around April? My friend's mom posted the BEST ROAD TRIP SONGS EVER on her facebook wall. I watched it and fell in love with them. I started watching the whole Road Trip series. And then I subscribed. The more Rhett and Link videos I watched the more I became addicted. I became especially addicted after watching the whole Goodmorning Chia Lincoln series. I even think I'm starting to get my mom addicted.

Well, i found Rhett and Link whilst looking at MysteryGuitarMan videos and stumbled upon T-shirt war! :D

my frind caitlin told me about it then i wached them on youtube



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